Part 4

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3th p.o.v.

Hawk took his bike to go to his dojo, but he couldn't stop thinking about this single person. Demetri. He couldn't get him out of his mind! The things he said, when they we're friends, and all happy memories. He had given that all up for this dojo. For karate. For being populair.  He dropped his best friend, with who he did everything he did. Untill now.


While riding to Cobra Kai, he heard a girl scream in a street. She was getting robbed. He trowed down his bike and ran into the street. He punched the robber against his jaw (sorry if I say something wrong or something, i've done Teakwondo but that was while ago-).  The man groaned in pain, but didn't give up yet. Hawk went into crouching and swipped the mans leg.

The man fell on the ground, but he stood up and speeded away. Hawk turned to the girl. "Are you okay?" He asked her. "Yes." The girl nodded quickly, a bit in shock. Hawk knew this girl. It was Moon, from his school. Mayby now she'll finaly see him standing. "Thank you!" She smiled happy. "Thank you for saving me!"

Hawk felt a bit warm inside, blushing slightly. "No problem." "How about we hang out tonight?" Moon asked. "8 PM at mine. I live at ****street **." She smiled again, befor walking away. "Yes, yes, I'll be there."


When Hawk finaly arived at Cobra Kai, he noticed he was to late. He quickly walked to in, getting into formation.

"Where have you been?!" Miguel asked him. "Saving a girl. Moon. She invited me to her house tonight. Isn't that cool?" "Damn man, you got yourself a date." He grinned


Demetri felt jalous. Why? Cause Hawk had a girl? Cause he was cool enough to get a girl? He caught himself staring at the two, hella jalous. He couldn't actually find out the cause. Why was it?

The cause was that Hawk had a girl, obviously. But you could see that from two diffrent povs. You could say it like he was jalous that Hawk had a date, had someone to kiss, and Demetri still hadn't

But you could also see it as another way. A way he didn't want to admit, but it could be a possibility. You could also see it as if he was jalous that Hawk was taken. By Moon, and not by him. That someone else had his Eli.

There was a big diffrent between the two points. One of them was just a feeling, nothing to worry about. The other, also a feeling, but something that could grow larger, make him do things, worser then Hawk ever did to him.

He was confussed about his feelings. Couldn't place them. Was he in love cause he was in pain? Cause he needed someone to love? Or was it real love? Was there even a bit of love? Was there even any feeling in the game?

Hello fellow readers! Sorry that it took me so long to write this, had kinda a writers block and school is anoying. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy it, and Tell me if there is something I could do better in my stories, I want them to be good :)

~Your author

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