Part 10

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Tw: Mentioning of a panic attack

That night, Hawk didn't leave his room, not even for food. That worried his mom. Well, Hawk barely came downstairs, but at least he would be there for dinner. Or lunch. Or breakfast. Hawk was still a nice boy. Not always, but he was still nice to his mom. Cause he knew she would be there for him, no matter what. Unlike others. He would trust her with her life.

He didn't go to school either that day, afraid to face his friends. They might get all pathetic and shit. Hawk didn't know where he should go so he just walked around, his feets leading his way. He didn't exactly know where he was going and he didn't care. He just wanted to get away for a bit. He saw kids he knew going to school. Om scooters, bicycle or just walking. Hawk wasn't paying attention to the road or if someone was coming, which caused him to bump into someone.

''Oh, i'm sorry!'' They said in unison. Hawk noticed the boy fell on the ground and he helped the boy up. ''I am really sorry.'' He said again. Just when he saw his face, he froze, and so did the boy. Demetri. Non of them moved. They just stared into each other's eyes. They both felt their cheeks heat up slightly, which caused blush to spread across their faces. After some minutes, Demetri made a move by letting go Hawks hand, which he was still holding. They backed away a few inches as they noticed they were very close to each other, non of them said a word yet.

Demetri bit his lip and Hawk looked at the ground, afraid of making eyecontact again. ''S-Sorry for bumping into you.'' Hawk muttered. He was stumbling over his words, which made him blush even more. The embarrassment and the fact he and Demetri were so close to each other. Their noses were almost touching.

Demetri was a little less flustered then Hawk. ''It's okay.'' He said and managed to print a smile on his face. He looked at Hawk, he was looking down like a little puppy when he did something wrong. This thought made him giggle. ''W-What's so f-funny!?" Hawk tried to ask intimatating, but it didn't work out very well. He was just very embarrassed and flustered. ''I never saw you this flustered.'' Demetri said, still giggling. ''How come?''

'N-nothing...'' Hawk said, but it more cam out as a whisper. Demetri made him flustered sometimes, he couldn't function good anymore. It was really annoying sometimes. And very embarrassing. ''I... uhm... want to thank you for helping me with t-that panic attack...'' He muttered to Demetri. ''Uhm... no problem I geuss.'' Demetri said, loving how Hawk was stuttering for the first time since a very, very long time.

Non of them actually knew what to say then, and the silent was really akward, untill Hawk spoke: "Shouldn't you go to s-school?" He asked, slightly looking up. ''Nah.'' Demetri answered. ''I think i'm gonna skip school today. I think so are you. I mean, school is the oppeside way.'' He said, looking at the still flustered boy. Hawk looked so weak now. He was still smaller then Demetri, and he looked so flustered and nervous. So fragile at the moment.

Hawk didn't look up. ''Y-yeah... I wanted to skip today. I didn't felt good and didn't felt like telling my parents cause they would want me to stay home and treat me like a sick little child or they would kick me out to go to school. At least, that is what  my dad would do.'' ''I understand. But what brought you here? So close to my house?" This comment made Hawk very nervous again. Why was he here? Cause he couldn't get Demetri off his mind? Cause the boy would be on his mind 24/7, making him nervous and flustered? Cause he missed his old buddy? Cause he wanted to say thanks? There were a lot reasons, all of them were very stupid.

''I don't know. I just passed this place on my walk to I don't know where.'' He said quick, finally looking up at the taller one. He wanted to stop being nervous around Demetri, and stop blushing. And stop feeling this way. He had felt like this befor, with Moon. But he caught her with someone else. He didn't actually care that she was with somebody else, or that she was dating a girl. But he just wanted the feeling to stop. He didn't want to feel love for this boy...

''You okay, Eli?" His thoughts got interrupted by Demetri, who was still standing there. Why was he still standing there? Why wouldn't he leave? Just go away. But a part of him didn't want Demetri to leave. Not go anywhere but with him. Some part of him wanted to kiss the taller one. Or at least hug him. He was so confussed about his feelings. Did he hate Demetri? Or did he feel love for him? Wanting him to leave or to stay? Want to ask him over or beat the crap out of him? He was so confussed.

Hello! Yo thank you all for reading this crap!🙂 What do you guys think of the story so far?

~Your author who is very tired at the moment so they are gonna sleep

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