Bad Intentions

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Third POV

The second day of the tournament came to an end, leading to our main characters relaxing in their hotel rooms.

There was only a few people that were awake at this late hour, and one of them just so happen to be (Y/N).

She was, at first, hanging out with Yukino, but being the sweet tooth she is, Yukino went shopping for them.

At 11 o night...

Something's bound to happen, right?

But let's not focus on that for now.

(Y/N) was at the roof of Sabertooth's hotel, staring at the twinkling sky.

Her mind was racing. She was glad that Romeo and Wendy agreed to their plan.

Tiny Flashback
She found the two preteens after the game.

"Wendy! Romeo!"

They turn around and smile in happiness as they saw her coming closer.

"(N/N)-chan! What's up?"

The (H/C) haired girl began to fidget in excitement.

"We want you to join Sabertooth!" She whispered excitedly.

The soon to be couple stare at her in astonishment and disbelief.

"W-What...?" Wendy stutters.

"You want us to join your guild?!"

Romeo whisper shouts, not believing it. It's too good to be true!

Their best friend nods happily.

"Sting and I noticed how badly they been treating you, so we talked to Master Jiemma about it and he decided to invite you guys to join!"

They stared at her in happiness, tears welling up in their eyes.

"Yes! We would love to join!"

They give her a big, bone-crushing hug, which she returns.

Ending of Flashback

(Y/N) smiles at the memory. Her mind began to drift off to another subject.


She blushes brightly at the thought of him.

He's the only person that makes her feel safe, loved, and cared for.

Her heart skips a beat when he flashes her his beautiful smile, or when he flirtatiously teases her, or when he smirks at her with amusement.

He looks so perfect too~ His spiky blond hair compliments his sparkling sapphire blue eyes. His modeled features are fawned over by many women.

And that body though...

(Y/N) shakes her head, bringing her hands to her heated cheeks.

'Celesta, what should I do?!?'

"What are you thinking about?"

The celestial dragon slayer flinch at the voice, looking down to see Sting cheekily smiling up at her from the balcony.

She slides down to the balcony, and lands beside him with a soft smile.

"Nothing really." She leans against the railing.

"Oh? So you weren't thinking of me~?" He slyly smirks, leaning towards her.

The boy's crush playfully push him, laughing as she did.

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