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A/n: For this chapter it's all about you finding a dragon. The next chapter is a little filler about how your brother reacts when he found out about them kicking you out. You'll also find out which guild he's in. Wanted to clear that up. On with the story!!!😁
(Y/N)'s POV
For the past week I started traveling and training so that I can become stronger. Before all of this, I visited my parents. They were overjoyed to see me and asked how I been. When I told them what happened they contacted (B/N) immediately and told him the situation. He offered me to come join his guild but I turned him down, saying I want to become stronger first before I joined a guild again. I stayed with them for a day and left them saying goodbye so I can start training.
Right now I'm cooking some fish from the river. I suddenly heard a rustle in the bushes. I got in my battle stance.
"Who's there?",I called out not backing down. 
Suddenly a cute little exceed came out. She looked younger than Happy and the others. She had grey fur and olive eyes. She looked so cute!
"Aww! What's your name?", I gently asked, kneeling down in front of her.
Before she could reply, her stomach grumbles. She looks down at her stomach looking sad. Feeling bad, I spoke up.
" Are you hungry?"
She looked at me and nodded. I smiled at her.
"Well you're in luck because I just happened to be cooking some fish. Would you like some?"
The little exceed nodded, " Yes please."
I motioned her to follow me to the campfire and she followed. Sitting down I asked,
"Would you like it cooked or raw?"
"I would like it cooked please."
I placed another fish over the fire. While doing this I asked,
"What are you doing out here alone?"
"Celesta told me to find some berries, so I went out to look for some. I tripped on a root and fell down towards the river. I heard a fire and I met you."
"I can help you go back to her, if you'd like."
"Would you?! Oh thank you, thank you, thank you!!"
I smiled at her excitement, " No problem, but we have to go in the morning. It's too dark right now and I don't want to lose you."
The next morning....
I woke up to the little exceed snuggling up to me. I smiled at her. I stroked her soft fur. She felt it and woke up. She looked at me with a smile. I smiled back.
"Are you ready to go back?", I asked.
The exceed nodded. I got up, packed my things and started walking with her by my side. The exceed looks at me,
"I'm sorry. You asked for my name and I didn't tell you yet. My name is Hoshi(it means star)."
I went in front of her and shook her paw.
"Nice to meet you Hoshi. My name is (Y/N)."
"That's a pretty name."
"Awww! Thank you. That's really sweet of you to say."
We started to walk around again. After a few hours, I hear a grumbling sound. I look down to see Hoshi patting her stomach. I took some berries near by and gave it to her. She thanked me and ate them. We started walking around again till we heard a voice.
"Hoshi?! Where are you?!"
Me and Hoshi ran to where the booming voice was heard. We reached to where the voice was heard and saw a dragon. The dragon has white scales on the upper part of her body while she had gold scales on her lower body. The horns on her head was also gold. When she turned around, I could see the color of her eyes. It was a sapphire blue. She saw Hoshi and looked relieved.
"Hoshi! There you are! I thought I lost you!",the dragon said when Hoshi walked up to her.
"I'm fine Celesta. (Y/N) helped me look for you.", Hoshi told her looking at me.
Celesta looked at me and smiled.
"Thank you for bringing her back home."
I warmly smiled, " No problem it's the least I can do."
"What is a girl around your age doing in a forest like this?"
I told her what happened before and told her the reason why I was out here.
"So you want to get stronger...", Celesta stopped midway to think.
She looked at me and smiled, " I can train you to be a Celestial dragon slayer."
I look at her with wide eyes, " You would do that?"
She looked at me, " Hey you said you wanted to get stronger to make them regret kicking you out so I can train you to be stronger."
I ran up to her and hugged her, " Thank you Celesta. For letting me train with you."
She hugged me back with a smile on her face, " No problem my child. But, I have a question."
I looked up at her with my full attention on her.
"What type of magic you have right now?"
I grabbed my key pouch that I always keep on me in case of emergencies.
"I have Celestial key magic."
She smiled at me, " This will be easier for me to teach you since you have something very similar to it."
She continues, "Hoshi will be your exceed since you two get along so well. So come along. We have so much to do."
Hoshi got on my shoulder and smiled at me. I smiled back at her before racing to Celesta to catch up with her.
Celesta, thank you for being there when others weren't.
959 words. I was bored today so I decided to write this chapter. To all of  those wondering 'how is a dragon there?' To explain only two dragons didn't have any dragon slayer which are Ancigola and Celesta. Celesta wasn't cursed by Zeref. She hid in a secret place that only she and later on Hoshi knows. She decided to train you know you know the secret place. Make sure to vote on this story and keep on reading!!!😁


Celesta is the picture above the story

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Celesta is the picture above the story.

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