Hey, this is gonna skip a month. The morning of inatate's.
love ya
-G xx
"TOBY! GET YOUR FAT ASS UP!" i yell to him but he rolls over covering his head with the quilt. I throw myself onto the other side of the bed and he bounces off of the bed. I jump up and run to Chrissy's.
"Chrissy open up!" i yell while banging on the door. She doesn't open it so i run to the cafateria.
I see Christina, Will, Uriah and Zeke sitting at the table. "Hide me!" i say and climb underneath the table. "Hey, what up with...." Will starts bit then noctices an angry Four runing in through the door.
Omg. For a girl that light, she knows how to get someone up in the morning. I run through the door of the cafateria and spot Chritina and she waves me over. I run to her and she points to underneath the table. "1....2....3!" i crouch down and see her facing the other way. I pull her ankles, slide her back from underneath the table and throw her over my shoulder. With my other hand, i pick up 2 muffins and i take her to the net. I put jer down on tje net and we replay the way we met.
I lift her off of the net and ask her
"Whats your name?" She looks at me for a second and says "Bea..."
i laugh and say "What? Is it a hard one? You can pick a new one but make it good because you don't get to pick again" and this point i am trying to keep a straight face. "Ok.. My name's Tris" she says with that same look she had when she first jumped. "First jumper Tris! Welcome my beautiful amazing Fianceè to the place that has no limits!" i say and this makes her giggle.
Everyone starts gathering at the net. "I bet you my life that it's Abnigation" Tris says to me and i say "I bet you mine if its Erudite!" i say looking down at her. "Are we keeping me and you a secret and are you Tris or Six?" i ask her and she looks at me and says "Nah! They will eventually find out so whats the point! And now i'm Six, you. Do know that 4+6= a perfect 10" She says quickly stroking my nose. More like flicking it. "I'll take the girls. You can take the boys out of the net to avoid complecations." She says giving me a peck on the lips.
We quickly pull apart to hear a scream. For one its a boy so i stand closer to the net. I see a gray clothed girl "Ohh, a stiff." i say to her and then she says " JESSICA!!!!! OMG!" she helps her off of the net, hugs her and then turns to me and says "I'll be taking your life with me now!" i laugh and say "Well, i think you've already done that!" she lightly smaks my arm. The other inatates start to arive.
Jessica, Soph,
Jazmine, Tristan, Jase.
Tomas, Lucy, Tanya, Bobbie, Amy.
Jack, Austin, Buddy
Dauntless Born:
Tracy, Mason, Alison, Macauley, Hannah, Sam, Kelly, Ryan, Shania, Erin, Boxy, Trina, Tyler, Jamie, DJ, Zoe, Shauna, and Mollie.
Altogether we have 15 transfers and 18 Dauntless born. Thats alot compared to usuall.
"Daunless born go with Uriah and Zeke. The rest stay with me. Go!" i say and Uriah and Zeke head of with the Dauntless born.
"I am 4 and this is 6. We will be your instructors." i say to the transfers. They all look scared shitless. Me and Tris give them a tour of the place and then Tris says to them "Get changed. 2 minutes. in the pit. Hurry up!" we walk away and walk to the pit. We stand there talking about how scared they were. Slowly 1 by 1 they started to come to meet us.
"There will be two stages training. 1st stage, push your bodys into physical combat. Pushing yourselfs to your braking point. 2nd stage, you will face your fears. Pushing yourself to again, your braking point, mentally. You will be trained seperatly from the dauntless born but you will be ranked together!" Tris, or should i say 6 yells. She reminds me of me when i say it.
"Six, you remimd me so much like.someone i know" i say and she turns to me and smirks. "And i'm guessing that i remind you of you!?!?" she says and starts to walk towards me with her arms crossed.