Chapter 11

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"Can i just try somthing?" I asked Zeke he noded. I leaned in and kissed him. Fireworks shot all over my body. It felt like rain on the inside. It was my first actual kiss. It felt like I was on a never ending rollercoaster. I feel like right now, I was the most happiest person alive.

"Am i interupting somthing?" Asked a woman with dark hair. She had cookie dough coloured skin. "Hey Christina!" Zeke said and he helped me up. I put my inhailer back in my pocket. "This is Shania, My, urm...

girlfriend?!?" he said but it sounded more like a question.

"Wait, What? Girlfriend?" i said to him amd he looked at me with his big brown puppy eyes. "Well, we might as well be?" he said lookind at me then Christina then back at me. "Um.. Ok?!?" I said to him. He took my hand and walked out with me and Christina at his side.

~~Time lapse~~



"Get up Sleepy head" i say to Tobias. He never likes mornings. I go to get up and he wraps his arms around my waist pulling me over so i am lying down facing him. "You need to let me go. Other wise i'll be sick on you." I tell him and he imidantly lets go. I run to the bathroom and throw up.

"Stay home. We are going to the doctors after im done." Toby says holding my hair back amd rubbing circles on my back with his palm. "God, i hate this!" i say while getting up to wipe my mouth. "Its morning.sickness. Its natural." i say and then i remember. "Oh yeah, we've got a two months scan today!" i say getting changed.



"Today we will be targeting. Before

lunch Knives. After lunch gun shots. Uriah my dearest brother, would you please stand infrount of the target" i say to them. Austin and Alison seem to be having a eye conversation.

~~Time lapse~~

At the end of training, I spot Dj trying to kiss Shania. "Dj, Stop!" she yells but he doesn't move. She slaps him one big one and knees him in the balls. I run up to help, i strangle him from behind and flip him over my shoulder. He goes to get up but i pin him down. "Shania, if you please!?!" i say to her. She brings her fist back and punches him one and stand up straight.

I drop him and gibe her a hug. She crys in my arms and i rock her back and forth. She eventually calms down amd falls asleep with tear stained cheeks. I pick her up and carry her to the dorm. I find her bed and put her down. She lools so peacful. So beautiful.

I kiss her on the lips and go to leave the room when a hand grabs me rist. I turn to see Shania awake. She says "Zeke will you stay with me?" I am about to say i cant but she gives me the most cutest puppy eyes ever. "Yh, Sure. Always" I say which makes her smile. She shuffles up and i lay next to her. She faces me and says "Thank you" Then she puts her head down and snuggles up into my chest.



After i get back, Tris says "Ready to go?" i nod and we head to the infermary. We tell the frount office and say we are here for a scan. The doctor at the office leads us to a room. Tris gets on the bed and had some jelly stuff put on her. By the looks of it, it is freezing. The nurse comes in and says "Hi, my name is Tina and you two must be Mr and Mrs Eaton" she says shaking our hands.

"Not yet. But will be soon." Tris says to her and she nods. "I will be doing your scans." She sits down and puts some rubber gloves on. She picks up this wierd looking thing and pushes the jelly around.

About 5 of waiting, we see somthing and Tina says "looks like your having twins! A girl and a boy! Congrats!" She says and a smile apears on mine amd Tris' faces.

We collect a photo of the baby and start to head home. "We better tell my parents and Possibly... Caleb"  Tris says and i say "Seing as tomorow's my day off. We could go see them" She smiles and we reach the apartment.

Tris goes to get changed as i do too. I lay on the bed and wait for Tris. She eventually comes out and we start to think of baby names.

"Two boys, Theo and James, Two girls, Shayleine and Kayleigh. Girl and boy, Theo and Shayleine." she says and i smile. "Whatever you want to call them. I'm fine with as long as they are completly original." i say looking down at her.

"I love you" i say to her and she replies with "I love you too" and the  we fall asleep facing each other.

A FOURTRIS LOVE STORYWhere stories live. Discover now