Why is she doing this ?.......

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Peter's POV
I woke up from my bed. I was in my house right now . Wait I was in my school. Oh i remember Stacy..... But wait.... Omg i cant undersatnd anything. So I got up and took my phone to call Stacy to ask what happened.
~( voice msg ) hey I am busy leave a voice message ~ 
Her voice came up.
But I wanna talk to her now.
So I called her again.
She picked in one ring.
~ On phone ~
P : " Hey, Stacy where are you ? "
S : " I am in my home right now " she said in a robotic voice where she had no expression. So I thought it was her duplicate again so I asked her .
P : " hey where are you exactly? , where are 'you', your self.
S : " I am in my house what do you want? " she still said in the emotionless tone.
P : " kk I wanna ask you something real quick "
S : " Go on "
P : " What happened to me ? "
S : " What happened to you? "
She repeated.
P : " That's what I am asking you. "
S : " I don't know. You are the one who supposed to know " she still said like robot.
P : " Fine, I will ask you one better..... What happened to you "
S : " Nothing " still in a robotic voice.
P : " Fine, I will talk to you later, Bye "
S : " kk "
~ A day after in school ~
S : " Hey, pete " her voice still had that robotic tone but not that much.
P : " Hey, Stace"
S : " Watcha doin? "
P : "  Nothing just getting ready for our classes " i said while taking out my books from locker.
S : " So I wanted to ask a question "
P : " Yeah, what it is ? " finally i turned to face her.
S : " Umm... Do you know anything about Dark hold? "
P : " What... No.... But I know.... That it is powerful. " when i said her face expression quickly changed into anger.
S : " Fine I will meet you later "
P : " But, wait " anyways she went, I sighed and moved to my class.
I had a lot questions,
Why she is so suspicious?
Why she is behaving like this?
Why she need to know about darkhold? And,
What is going on?
I didn't know answer for any of it. I tried to ask her all this things.
F : " Hey, stupid Parker, I never seen MJ for a while. Did you dump her? " when he said this, I feel like I need to burst out, but I controlled it. In the other hand i felt pain in my heart when he said 'MJ'
P : " Flash didn't you have enough? " I said representing yesterday.
F : " Oh yeah, I missed my control, so today I wanted to give it back."
P : " Oh really, You think you can beat me up? "
F : " Yeah, It is easy when it come like you Nerd"
P : " Flash... I don't wanna make trouble right now, I am having some things to do.. " I said while walking towards Stacy to ask my questions. When,
F : " Ooooh, so you dumped MJ so you can go out with her sister, huh?" This is when I burst out my anger and pain.
I pushed him down. So now I was in his top. I was puncing his face repeatedly. Everyone was gathering around. But Ned, he pulled me away from him. I saw Flash with his face and eyes blue-black. I don't know what to do, so I went towards the classroom. When,
R : " Peter!,"
Oh here we go again.
R : " Detention For you and this is your last warning!......."
Why this is happening to me? where is Stacy,
OMG what to do. Fine no other way.
I went to the detention room where the incharge was taking a lecture for why we should not be affensive.
I was hating it,
Fine the day gone like that.
~ Few hours later ~
I was in Ned's when we are watching Star Wars.  When i got call from Nick Fury.
~ On phone ~
N : " There is a urge! come to head qaurters now. "
P : " Now? "
N : NOW! " before i could say anything he cut the phone call.
~ In the head quarters ~
N : " We are missing Wanda "
P : " What ? "
Dr.S : " Yeah we couln't contact her. We can only contact if we go through her mind. " everyone saw Stacy at once. Representing that she can communicate with Wanda in her mind.
S : " ummmm.... Yeah...." she chuckled awkwardly " I.... Um... Tried to.. Umm ..... Contact..but I cant...we are having trouble in signals.... Nonono no....  I mean radiation... I think you know what I meant. " what the hell ? She is weird. She never acted so dumb before.
Dr.S : " Okay? We will figure a way to find her. " he was saying with confused face so does everyone had a confused face cause she is so weird .
N : " We all need to find her. "
S : " I don't think you will find her " she muttered it herself. I was near her so I over heard it.
P : " What ? " I whispered to her.
S : " Nothing " she whispered back.
N : " She is the only one who knows about Darkhold. "
S : " Shit " she muttered and moved outside.
What is she doing? This is a meeting and she left when it is going on.
N : " I think I did not say anything about ending this meeting. "
P : " I am sorry Mr.Fury I think she is upset about Wanda missing, cuz they know each other well. I will convince her. "
N : " Okay, But be quick ....... We need------ "
There was an explotion where I saw Stacy keeping hand in head. So I went near her.
P : " Stacy, are you okay? "
S : " I dont know I am having a slight pain in my head "
P : " I think he is coming again "
S : " Who? "
Dr.S : " Hey kids, be aware we need to assemble right now. "
N : " I will try to get more people for fighting against him "
P : " No, normal people cannot control him "
Dr.S : " Okay then I will "
P : " Stacy try to attack him "
She nodded. And went somewhere . I saw Mephisto was changing the people to his people by his power and created a big group.
We all started to fight. Where I didn't see Stacy anywhere. I continued fighting. And i saw Wanda join us. I wanted to ask where she went, But this is not the time.
I saw Stacy so ran to her. But she was trying to deploy a missile.
P : " Stacy, what are you doing? There are our people out there. They will get hurt."
But she throwed me away with a red power source.( it was mephisto's power source colour)
Where Wanda came to me and
W : " Peter, she is controlled by him , so don't think she is Stacy. It is him . So don't try to go near her ." she is what? Controlled ? What is going on . Wanda saw Stacy, who was lauching missile. But Wanda used her powers to destroy it . When Stacy got angry and started attacking . But Wanda told me to help people out there so I got up and went there to help. When I saw Wanda was attacking Stacy, so hard. So I went there.
P : " Wanda, stop she is our Stacy. It doesn't mean if she is controlled by him, she is not Stacy. You are hurting Stacy!."
W : " You're right "
So she reduced her powers and left Stacy who was lying down in the ground. I need to help her, but I can't.....
So I went away and started fighting again.
She got hurt. I am not sure if she is alive or ...... I don't want loose another one. She is my friend. I can't. I felt hot tears flowing down my cheek. But I was still fighting when all person finished. We all went to fight against Mephisto where he was holding Stacy. With his powers covering her neck making her choke.
W : " Leave her alone "
M : " What will you do if I don't "
Dr.S : " Leave her Mephisto we have what you want. "
S : " Oh Dr. Strage you think I am stuck here. Actually he is stuck by me. "

~ 1349 words ~

To be continued . This story is going to finish but we will have more story about Stacy.

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