She had a rough life!......

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Stacy's POV

I was totally weak cause of MJ. Here after i will be all alone totally. And Peter started to punch me in the face. So hard. Even though i can fight him back i was not doing it cause all i thought about was MJ.
Then Wanda pulled him back. Finally i tried to get up. He was strong even though i have powers sometimes it can't hold my pain. I was having bleeding nose.
W : " Peter what are doing "
P : " I am sorry Ms. Maximoff. I need to talk to her. Alone."
W : " Fine........ But no fighting cause she is gone that 's al-----."
P : " leave us alone. " they all went.
S : " Peter i had no choi------ " my voice was breaking while i said that. And he interrupted.
P : " I totally understand your plan. You planned it. " he said in a harsh tone.
S : " What do you mean I planned it " i cryed a lot so i can't speak perfectly.
P : " Yeah you hated her and your plan is to kill her right. "
S : " Peter its not what you mean "
P : " It is what i mean you killed her. YOU FRICKING KILLED HER. SHE WILL BE NOT COMING BACK " he screamed.
S : " I didn't let me explain------"
P : " oh right, so you have a story. When did you create it . "
S : " Take... That... Back....." i said in anger. And pain. And my power were starting to power up.
P : " I WILL NOT " he screamed.
S : " You...... will...... regret..... it.... " i said still having a break in my voice. In anger. In pain.
P : " YOU KILLED HER " he said while screaming.
S : " Fine, I will give what you want. " i started to power up and gonna hit him but. Wanda noooo she was controlling me and she took all my power ?.... No no no no NOOOOO. i was in a kinda of lab in a second yeah where i was first was destroyed by that monster but now i am in a lab where i know it. Which was so, so familiar. Wait this is the Stark industries lab. And i started to examine all things cause it was all my memory.
When i was 10 and i was here playing with my brother. And i heard a sound behind and i turned. It was my Brother Tony and.... Me? Yeah i remember i was playing with him with some things in that lab. It was 1990. My brother was 20 year old and i was 10 it's crzy but it is true i am 10 year old kid. We were playing with a kinda suit which i wore i went near a machine. Were my father came to me and started shouting.
H : " I told not to touch anything---- . " he said cause i was wearing a suit. Before he finished i was dragged into a place.
It was a road in midnight maybe. Now i am back to my age. I was seeing around. In confusion. And i saw this anywhere but i am not sure . And I heard like a car crash. I turned and i saw a man wearing a mask and it was Bucknal Barnes.
But now he was Winter soldier. He pulled my dad and out and killed him. I went near cause i need to save them so ran near them and i try hit James with my power but it wasn't working . And i started shouting on him to stop and i went near my dad to see and help him. Now Barnes took something from the back of the car and went away .
I saw my dad and mom die. I cant so i started screaming and crying where
i was in a city right now. What?. Why I always change place ? And i saw  a car crash again. Two cars met an accident where i realized it was my step parents. Even though they adopted me i love them a lot. Like my own parents. And now i saw them die too .
I was still crying cause it is hard to me and i was totally broke.
When suddenly the place change into a destroyed  place and i saw someone sitting with no energy i went near and it was Tony.
My brother.
No he was dying i went near him.
S : " Hey, Tony are you okay .... Talk to me ." I was saying cause i needed to save him but he started choking me.
S : " To-ny wha-t are you do-ing" i was struggling cause  he was choking me . And i tried to get out of his grip and he finally let me down. And i saw around all of them yeah.
My mom.
My dad.
My stepmom.
My stepdad.
My brother.
My step sister .
Every one started surrounding around and few more people arrived and started saying . " you could have saved me " " it is all your fault "      "you killed them " and so on so i started panicking and screaming so loud and kneeled down
S : " Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo"
And i finally realised i was in a room made of glass.
And it was the cage where they lock up bad person when they are not in control. So I calmed myself and lied on the bed near me.

Peter ' s POV ( what happened will be explained here )

I was shouting to Stacy and she was trying to hit me but Wanda controled her she became like a statue. And came near and
W : " Peter what are doing " she shouted at me
P : " Sorry i cant help it " I said almost breaking down. 
W : " You need to calm down and forget about it. Just leave it " she said to calm me down so i noded. And she was taking Stacy somewhere. So i followed her yeah i was still crying.
~ Later in a Avengers head Quarters ~
Stacy was taken to a glass room. Where they will arrest the most dangerous person will be locked up. And i saw tears from Stacy 's eyes and i saw Wanda was tearing up too. So i went near her
P : " Wanda are you okay ? " she turned to me 
W : " You never know what she have gone through. She was scared. But you never understand ......" She stoped for a while and " she didn't kill MJ. It was Mephisto, when he took her he spreaded all poison and finally when she fell. She was fully spreded with poison. So Stacy burnt her so that no one would be poisoned. And dead . But you were accusing her. " she said while tearing.
P : " I am sorry but i was broken. "
W : " She will be fine " she gave a slight smile and went.
I saw Stacy she was still statue and tear were falling down her cheeks.
I can't do anything i heard Wanda saying that she will be fine so i left.
And next morning i was heading to Bruce cause he said he wanna speak. And i saw him working on something i went in and i saw her. Stacy . But how she was out of that cell. What really?.
P : "I am sorry about last ------- "
S : " I moved on. "
P : "Are you okay. "
S : " yeah . " she noded.
P : " I feel so guilty. I am sorry. I was totally out of control. I am sorry to behave like that to you and Wanda said me everything . I am sorry ." she still had her bruises which i made yesterday by hitting her i felt bad. Really bad.
S : " It's okay i am fine "
P : " Are we friends again " i asked calmly
S : " We have never been friends and we will never be. "
P : " ummm.... Sorry . "
Stacy noded and Wanda burst out of the door and said
W : " Where are you ? " she asked angrily.
S : " I am here can't you see "
W : " Where. Are. You. " she still asked angrily. Wait she is really here. Isn't she? .
S : " umm..... School, maybe . " wait how she is here when she is in school.
P : " Wanda what's going on here? "
W : " She is using her power to make a duplicate of her and she is making it work. But she is actually in school. I am worried what she is doing so i am going right now. "
It was leave in school. Why she is going there ? I had a lot of question.....

Wanda's POV
I went to the school and flew to the top of the school cause she was there. I went there she was crying with her head down to her knees in the edge of the building.
W : " Hey, Stacy ? "
S : " What do you want " she asked with break in her voice.
W : " I came here to make, sure are you okay "
S : " I am okay. Now GO. " she was still crying with her head down.
W : " But you -----"
S : " LEAVE ME ALONE " she shouted still with her head down.
W : " Stacy i under------"
S : " you wont " she got up. With her red puffy eyes cause of crying.  
W : " hey calm down ."
S : " I can't, i can't calm down when I lost everyone." her voice was Breaking
W : " Stac----- "
S : " I was moving on, i was moving on from all of my past. But, you made it worse by bringing back all the memory that I wanted to forget. I tried litterally 10times to jump from this building to die. But I can't cause of my fricking power. Why do I wanna get it . I don't want any power. All i want is a normal life."
W : " you are not normal "
S : " I know I am not normal. What I am asking is, why can't I be? "
W : " But i wanna calm you down. "
S : " You can't cause , YOU ARE THE ONE WHO MADE MY MEMORIES COME BACK AND KILL ME AGAIN " She screamed while crying.
W : " I am sorry----" 
W : " hey liste----"
W : " Stacy calm down "
W : " STACY!"
And peter came swinging
P : " Hey guys, calm down. "
S : " I cant peter this is between us don't come to it . "
P : " she done it for me....... (after a while) What she done?"
S : "  Peter just leave me alone"
P : " I am not, come with me first " she pulled her and they went
What stacy said is true.
It was all my fault.

~ 1774 words ~

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