Is she really her ?....

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Was it real what i just saw omg i cant believe and we said on same time...
S : " Peter ? "
P : " Stacy ? "
N : " you guys know each other ? "
P : " she is my classmate and MJ's sister "
S : " Adopted " ( i don't know what to say i thought it would be funny to say this mostly sry if it was irritating )
P : " Stop "  i said in a irritated way .
N : " okay , that's good "
S : " that's not good " she muttered into herself .
N : " you both are gonna work on a project " he thrown a file to the table and i took and saw it " it is about todays robbery and that happened and we thank Stacy for stoping it." she nodded " It is not sure what weapons they used but it was deathly so we have to be careful in protecting the people. So you guys are in charge right now . "
S : " Got it "
P : " wait wait , so you are saying that they are coming again ? "
N : " they will so we are just prepared to face them , they are having high tech weapon so we have to find out how they are getting it . Got it Peter? "
P : " Got it "
S : " Okay i will find out where they making it and stuff like "
P : " No, you are not going alone "
S : " I am "
P : " No, we are team and we are going together "
S : " What are think about me Butter fingers , a girly girl who don't know anything and follow you" she said by taking a step front . I didn't move . We both stared angrily, TBH she is kinda annoying .
N : " Stop fighting and do what i said " he said while pushing us both aside .
P&S : " Fine " in a annoyed way .
We both walked out of head quarters. Stacy pulled my hand and said . Like whispering shouting
S : " Hey , listen this thing is just between us "
P : " What do you mean "
S : " That i am Iron Magic "
P : " You called your self like that ? "
S : ( clears throat ) No , People call me like that . "
P : " Okay but why "
S : " I don't want MJ to know about me "
P : " But she knows about me so it has nothing problem in it " .
S : " Do what i say " in a harsh tone
P : " okay okay cool , come on lets go "
She nodded

Narrator's POV

Some one was watching both going away and smiled in a devilish way

Stacy 's POV

It was a day after the robbery i went and peter and MJ  cause i don't want Peter to close to MJ cause after she was in relation ship with Peter she started fighting with me so i didn't like and more importently i don't wanted MJ to get hurt by him . And went there and
S : " hey guys have you planned about our science project "
P&MJ : " yeah we think so "
~ School bell rang  ~
MJ : " ok guys i will see you later i have a special class "
P & S : " okay bye MJ " MJ went and i was about to go to my class and peter pulled me
P : " what plan do you have ? "
S : " which plan ? "
P : " the mission mr fury told he told it was dangerous "
S : " yeah what we wanna do "
P : " we wanna make a plan first "
S : " Okay , listen we are gonna wait for the group to rob any place and then we are gonna follow them and fight them and  find their boss and take him to Nick Fury. Simple . " i said it pretty fast
P : " umm......... What ? "
S : " It is what it is "
P : " what if they robbed a big place "
S : " that's my plan " i said in whispering shouting voice .
P :  " k got it "
We started walking
P : " But -----"
I interrupted .
S : " No buts " in a harsh tone .
P : " sorry " and then he muttered to himself " you are bossy " i turned immediately and stared at him .
P : " what " i still stared .
P : " okay sorry "
I nodded and headed to our class.

Peter' s Pov

She is still bossy . But i know that she is lying in something .We finished our class and headed out where a missile landed in the lobby i saw stacy and the missile blasted . But i saw some thing protect us from the blast and i searched for stacy she was not there she disappeared and all started running here and i went behind wall and put on my suit and someone kept their hand on my shoulder when i turned it was stacy , her eyes was violet. And she said
S : " Plan changed . We have to fight them and make them tell all the thing " she said it pretty fast
P : " OK but how "
S : " You'll see " she smiled . And then her nano tech suit appeared and then she flew and started fight em' . I put on my mask and started fighting. Stacy was powerfull she knocked a lot of people she got some bullet shot her but she dodged it while she was flying. But when the last shot was on her she got hurt and fell down. So i went to see her and
P : " Are you OK ? "
S : " Yeah, except that i got shot " she tried to get up
P : " I will handle this " i saw that the gang person are and and i got up to follow them
S : " YOU WILL NOT " then she flew and knocked the remaining persons down. And made a energy source in her and pointed a man and
S : " Who is your Boss ? "
M : " I wont say " said in pain
S : she blasted him with her power and asked again " WHO . IS . YOUR . BOSS
S : " where do you make weapons "
M : " 1/50. Creek Street in Ketchikan, Alaska " and then police arrived and took all the men and arrested them and Stacy talked with them
S : " they have their safe house in 1/50. Creek Street in Ketchikan, Alaska ( this is not real address or something i don't know anything about USA so just think it is near there )
P : " Thank You mam "
S : " Your welcome " and she became invisible .
I was confused where she and then i went to change my dress but when i went to class she was there . And i gave her confused look and then went to my bench .
~ After class finished ~
P : " Hey, how you are too soon i saw you disappear ."
S : " I have a power of invisibility so i became invisible and came to my class before any one came " she whispered .
P : " Cool "
S : " hey we finished our mission so Nick Fury will be waiting so come soon. "
P : " kk " but i noticed something weird it was her eye colour it was green. But she never had a green eye colour and she was also wounded now she is perfectly fine. So i decided to ask
P : " You were wounded right, how are you feeling , and most importantly why is your eye colour green? ."
S : "I am good . This eye colour refers a ability of my power it will be changed green whenever i am healing from a wound. "
P : " Are you sure you are fine "
S : " Yeah i am don't worry see ya later . "
P : " see ya " I smiled while saying and She smiled back and she left cause school was over .
~ few moments later in Nick Fury ' s head quarter  ~
N : " Good job kids you have done a good job "
S : " Dont call me a kid "
P : " You are a kid "
S : " No i am not " she said in a anoying tone. Then Nick Fury said us that we dont have any project now so we can go. And we did that.
and we all had a normal life but Stacy was always not letting near to MJ mostly. It was all normal. Like wise we all ( MJ Peter Stacy and Ned ) went to a camping in a place where no buildings or even people are around we enjoy a as MJ was laying her head on my shoulder and Stacy was staring in a 'get off my sister' way and Ned is singing song with his new ukulele. But suddenly Stacy started to scream and she said she had a sharp and lot pain in her head ~~~

~ 1385 words ~

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