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Pushing aside her angering thoughts, Y/N changed quickly into a loose orange tee shirt, old, raggedy skinny jeans and a gray hoodie before she decided to leave before it got too late (it was already one in the morning, and thankfully tomorrow was Saturday, so no school). Before she could exit the door, Bridgette stepped in front of her, offering her a quick hug. "Good job out there tonight. I'm staying here for a few more hours with L-"

"With Lindsay, I know, I know, you and everyone else in this goddamned town!" Y/N spoke under her breath, voice heavy with sarcasm, causing Bridgette to giggle. Y/N smiled. "You owe me."

"I know." Bridgette spoke quietly. "Be careful, okay? There are creepy guys out there."

Y/N snorted. "As if I didn't know that." She laughed a bit but Bridgette's face stayed serious. "Okay, gosh, I know! I'm the most responsible person you know, right?"

Bridgette nodded, taking a deep breath. "Yeah, you're right. But you know… just watch out." Y/N rolled her eyes and stepped by Bridgette, giving her a wave over her shoulder as she opened the back door and exited with her duffle bag in hand. She knew that Bridgette didn't mean any harm, but it wasn't like she needed someone worrying about her. In two weeks, she would be done with high school. A college student. It sounded so perfect in Y/N mind that she couldn't help but let out a small smile as the door slammed behind her.

The apartment she shared with Bridgette wasn't that far away from the club, so she started by turning to the corner of the alley where she had exited. She almost lost her breath when she turned the corner to find a hulk man standing there, looking intimidating.

And this guy was huge

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And this guy was huge. He looked like he could eat her, or possibly use her as a tooth pick. Surprisingly, his voice wasn't all that loud, but that didn't make him any less intimidating. "Excuse me, miss, but will you please come with me?" She saw a large, black limo behind the man and felt confusion bubble up inside of her.

Y/N felt her eyebrows try to make contact with her hair line as she let out a dark grimace. "What do you want with me?" She asked, trying to step away and resisting the urge to squeal when the huge man grabbed her arm.

"The boss wants you." She felt her nose scrunch up in annoyance. 'The boss'? What the fuck was this- some kind of gang? She really didn't like this guy's vibe, but the grip the man had on her arm was making the choice of moving absolutely impossible. "I am not going to hurt you, the boss just wants to speak with you."

"Who the hell is 'the boss', you asshole? Let go of me!" She yelled, trying to get someone's attention but quieting harshly when the man pulled out a gun.

"You're cooperation is needed. Just do what the boss wants and you don't have to worry about us hurting that pretty little face of yours." She wanted to kick this guy in the nut sack but the loaded barrel in front of her had her sighing in defeat. The guy had said that he wouldn't hurt her, so what the fuck was up with the gun…? Whatever, it was better not to question it. When he started to pull her toward the limo, Y/N automatically stopped in her tracks, and the man just grunted, gripping her even rougher than before. "You have to get in the car, ma'am, the boss is at his place." Feeling the fear constrict inside her chest Y/N just shrugged him off and stepped into the open door of the limo, sighing slightly. How to get out of this, how to get out…? She decided that she should text Bridgette, but before she could that, the man was already stepping into the driver's side of the limo and stomping on the gas. Y/N was a few rows behind him, so she thought that maybe she could dig in her duffle bag and get her old cell phone out of the back pocket if she was quiet. She reached in, but it made a ruffling noise, so she stiffened, waiting for the man to hear her and shoot her face off. But instead of doing that, he just kept his eyes on the road, not paying her any attention. Smirking, Y/N reached in deeper, almost jumping for joy when she felt the cool cover of her blackberry. Before she could even manage to lift it, however, the car came to a complete stop, and the man was exiting the car and opening her door again, grabbing her arm with that strong grip.

She sighed and trembled in fear a bit when the huge man pulled her into a large, expensive looking, near skyscraper building. They were in a lovely, expensive part of town, highly populated, many people walking the streets, and yet Y/N couldn't make a peep thanks

to the gun pressed into her back, hidden behind the man's coat. They rode the elevator up to the seventh floor, Y/N heart a painful staccato the entire time. They were gonna kill her. "I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die…" She whispered under her breath.

Once they got to the designated floor, she was pulled to a door, which the large man slid open without having to unlock it. "Got her, boss."

Y/N looked around the large condo. There was a huge floor to ceiling window that stretched across one wall, and the room she was looking at now was bigger than her and Bridgette's apartment and then some. She could see many rooms, including a kitchen, leading off from it. A huge flat screen plasma TV hung on the east wall. There was a computer in the corner of the room and a million papers scattered in a random corner, also littering the coffee table. Beside the large coffee table was a huge, spread out red felt couch that she predicted could seat more than about fifteen people. She had to stop her jaw from hitting the floor. This place was nice. But then she saw a head of messy black hair leaning against the overly large couch. "Good. Ya can leave, Joon."

The large man let go of his grip on Y/N, pushing her into the room before turning around and shutting the door. Y/N was about to follow right after him before she heard the audible click of a lock. She then noticed the door didn't have a handle. Oh, what the hell what she dealing with? This guy had automatic sliding doors with no fucking door knobs! Dammit, she was in deep shit, wasn't she?

But she had recognized that voice from somewhere. She just couldn't place it…

Sighing, Y/N turned to the man who was sitting on the couch, feeling her anger grow as he made no inclination of getting up anytime soon. "Well, would you mind telling me why I'm here?" She was so mad at Gwen for not giving her a ride, and even more mad at stupid ass Lindsay for getting her into this shit. Why her? Why me?

The man let out a grunt and stood up, scratching his head and turning to face her, causing her to gulp. No, not because of the gun hooked in his holster, no, not due to the sheer way he towered over her… but because the guy was a fucking walking wet dream. He had messy black hair, slightly tanned skin, and bright teal eyes that were narrowed in a cat like manner. His loose, baggy dress pants and a soft blue dress shirt only accented his good looks and made it even harder not to drool over the guy. He smirked at her expression and said one simple sentence. "I'll ask again, babe, how much ya charge?"

Y/N felt her neck snap in attention as she then realized where she recognized the deep sexy baritone from; "How much ya charge?" It was the man from earlier that night, the one she believed to only have a good voice. Well, obviously she had doubted things far too much. Voice was a very good indicator of looks…

But then she realized what he said. "What?" She stuttered, wondering what the hell was going on.

He rolled his eyes, walking around the couch to get closer to her, stopping about five feet from her, and she could smell a strong, attractive musky scent as well as tangerines. "What do ya want? Jewelry, clothes, just plain ole' cash? I can go either way, Princess, it's not that hard a question."

She felt her insides turn on fire at the suggestion as well as the nickname as she tried to back up from him. "Shut the fuck up, I d-don't want to-"

"Your mother is ill, am I right? You need money for that, don't ya? Ya need money to save her? What if I told you I could give that to ya?" The man's voice lowered slightly, and Y/N felt her breath back up into her throat. How did he know that she needed that money for her mother? How did he know, how could he make that promise…? "All ya gotta do is tell me how much ya want."

"Y-you… don't… I can't…"

He sighed, rubbing his temples and folding his arms together. "I guess business is going to have to come later, I can't keep on waiting like this. I'm fucking horny as." Y/N couldn't seem to form words as he looked at her with a smirk in his eyes again, his face twisted in the biggest shit eating grin she had ever seen.

"Strip." shit

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