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"Wait, what?" Y/N knew what he was talking about. It was a simple command, to take off her clothes. Didn't mean she was going to do it. The look on his face wasn't one of patience, yet it didn't seem like he was going to be starting the conversation anytime soon. He just stared at her for a moment, and then took a deep breath.

"Yer not fucking retarded, are ya?" He reached for something in his pocket, and. Y/N immediately backed up a bit, thinking of the gun that was resting on the side of his hip. At this, he snorted, but continued reaching in his pants. He came back with a large black wallet, opening it and pulling out a few bills. "I know ya know how to strip. Otherwise ya wouldn't be workin' at that place." He thrust the bills out at Y/N, who was about to retort before she looked at the money in her hands.

She was sure she had never held that much money in her hands before. "You're joking." She whispered, fingering it lightly. If he gave her this much, she could cover her mother's treatment for the whole week, and then some! She felt her insides light up and then flinched when he snatched the money away from her again. "Hey-"

She was cut off when he narrowed his eyebrows at her, leaning forward and looking at her with venom. "Ya realize this is not just some onetime thing. I'm gonna play with you 'til I get bored, Princess. Don't worry, I'll pay ya right. All ya got to do is agree. Just say yeah." He smirked again, and now that he was this close, she saw how sharp his canines were, how they seemed to gleam when his lip curled behind them devilishly.

The next ten seconds were a revelation for Y/N. On the plus side, she was getting a butt load of cash. On the down side, this guy was kind of a total dick. On the plus side, he was hot as fuck. On the down side, she had never let someone fuck her before. And this... this was like being a hooker, a prostitute! It was, well, illegal.

As all this was tumbling around in her mind, that one little voice was shouting crazily, "What about your mom, Y/N?"

She was quiet for a moment, but then looked at him with hard eyes. "Use a condom, fucktard."

Y/N flinched when he grabbed her arm, his fingers pulsing around it hard enough to leave bruises. "Watch the way ya talk to me, alright?" He let out a wide grin, releasing her arm, and walked over to the couch, gesturing for her to follow him. As they neared, he flopped down and stared at her. When she just stood there awkwardly, he growled, making her flinch. "Strip." He said gruffly, and she sucked in a breath and tried to will up her courage.

She had never been fully naked in front of a guy before. She had once told her mom she wouldn't have sex until her wedding night. She had lectured a class of children about how abstinence was the best route. She was a hypocrite. A dirty, dirty hypocrite.

She decided that she should go with her shirt first, and then her pants, then undergarments. She tried to get them off slowly but then found that the way his eyes were raking up her form was getting worse the longer she took so she started pulling things off quicker. "So what's yer name, babe?" It was then that she realized she didn't even know his name and he could already see her tits. Great.

"Y/N." She said softly, but then remembered how he had known about her mother and her illness. "But I guess you already know that."

He chuckled, and she was surprised at how natural it sounded, how light it was and how it sent shivers down her body. "Actually, I didn't. Yer smart, though... I like that. I figured out 'bout yer mom's illness from this dumb blonde at the club-" Lindsay, Y/N thought, feeling the anger seep into her pores,- "But I didn't catch yer name, Kinky."

She scoffed, throwing off her underwear and placing a hand on her hip as she glared at him. "I fucking hate that name. It's so damn stupid."

Smirking, he looked into her eyes with deep concentration. "I think it's cute... Kinky, sounds like kitten." Y/N then realized that she was naked and tried to cover herself. How had she just stood there, practically naked in front of some guy, some guy she didn't even know the name of, and be so comfortable with the whole situation? God, she was a whore.

She then noticed him picking up something from underneath the couch. He wrapped a strap around his neck, and that was when she narrowed her eyes at the object now held loosely in his hands. "I never agreed to any pictures." She muttered, scowling at him with distaste. "I'm not some porn star."

He didn't even bother to look at her as he fingered the professional camera lightly in his hand, his gaze never flickering from it, as though it held some type of meaning she had yet to understand. "Never said ya were, babe. I just like having prints of my own. I ain't gonna show 'em to nobody. And it's not like ya could get me in trouble if I did." She tried to send him another threatening look but that didn't seem to faze him in the least. Actually, it looked like it amused him more than anything as a tight smirk pulled at his lips and he knotted his eyebrows together. "I'm not, so quit yer fuckin' bitching. Shit, you are such a tight ass."

"Shut up!" She shouted, ultimately regretting it as he shot her one of the most intimidating looks she had ever received in her life time. "I mean... don't talk to me like you own me, okay?"

"But I do." He said softly, and she decided it was better to not egg him on as she tried to turn her attention to the very interesting dust bunny gathering in the corner. He said he was going to keep the prints to himself, and while she really had no reason to believe him, he hadn't told her a lie yet. Of course, she hadn't known him for more than five minutes but who was she to try and fight with this guy, who twisted her words around and brought the meaning of the word 'demonic' to a whole new level?

"My name's Jungkook." She turned her attention back to him, trying to make herself look away from his light teal eyes. "Yer gonna be screaming it real soon, Princess. Oh, and by the way, I apologize now if I'm a little rough later." She didn't even get time to respond before he lost eye contact with her and looked down her thin form yet again, his eyes instantly going dark as he snapped a photo. "Touch yerself."


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