Johnn Depp: to the rescue!

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(for the sake of this imagine, the books my character, Leona was reading were Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone and The Hobbit. But the bullies spared her Hobbit novel but tore to shreds, her Harry Potter book. And she also has an Instagram account, (not real account): @L.Edwards.)

Johnny Depp's Point of View:

It's a typical day in New York, and I took a calming walk down to my favourite shop I buy my hats from, it was a hot day as well, and I needed to shield my yes more from the sun. As my fans know... I am partially blind in one of my eyes, and I have to wear glasses to help me see.  It's my kryptonite, my eyesight is so bad.

So I paid a visit to my favourite hat designer. Gladys Takez, who has a surprise ladies fedora as well as my favourite fedora style. She said to me, "this ladies fedora is one of a kind, with your generosity, give it to someone who you meet or in any other type of circumstances... The hat is a royal purple with ruby crystal embellishments on the flower. If you see someone... Do share my work with her." I nodded and thanked her for my new hat plus a ladies one to give to a girl who may be in trouble or who I make friends with.

As I continue my calming walk along the 6th and Broadway Street here in Manhattan NY, I heard a ruckus coming from the front gate of New York City Central Park. As I had Instagram now, I heard my Instagram notification tone sound. One of my close friends, my Attorney watched from his window, a ruckus outside and had to tag me in his latest Instagram private message. "@ACaldecott @johnnydepp, I hope you got this message, but thugs are beating up a young lady just outside the gates of Central Park, please, hurry, show you care, I've already called the cops, but they'll be there in half an hour. Keep them occupied and protect the girl. Check her over for injuries."

I heard the message, and ran out to the gates of Central Park, and the bullies were surprised to see me in front of them. One named as Robert says, "oh, it's Captain Jack Sparrow himself! It's Johnny Depp!" The ringmaster of the group replies, "what do you want, Depp?" I replied in my Jack Sparrow voice, my British accent, "alright, you un-savvy scurvy sea brats, what has this lovely lady did to you, nothing. I may not have a drop of bloody rum in me, but I'm not stand back people bullying others. Step away from the lady!" With that they carpeted but I caught them all by the scruffs of their necks gently so I won't hurt them, as I caught the last one, the cops arrived at the scene. "Well done Mr Depp, we were after these book destroyer punks for a while, they only destroy books that have magic, mystery and intrigue in them, targets: Harry Potter series, Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit and The Famous 5. You stopped them before they destroyed this young lady's copy of the Hobbit by j.r.r. Tolkien. They had already destroyed her copy of Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone..." Said officer Sanchez. "You're welcome, dear local law enforcement." I said in my voice for my character, Barnabas Collins from Dark Shadows.

The officer took the thugs away, from the park, and I saw the poor girl, shivering and crying because one of her favourite books was destroyed... I kneeled in front of her, oh my god, they broke her glasses as well... By looks of things, they're special transition reactor glasses that tint in the sun. She must be highly sensitive to sunlight. So I help her up, but she yelps in immense pain, so I asked her, "are you alright, sweetie, here, let me help you out, those thugs had done a number on you, let's get you to a hospital and get those injuries fixed up. I'm Johnny Depp by the way, and may I get your name?" I asked and she replies, "ouch, thank you Mr Depp. My name's Leona. I was targeted by the book destroyer punks, because of the books I carry with me to read on a quiet day at the park... Now I can't read the Harry Potter one because it's torn beyond repair..." She cried. "You're lucky that I stopped them before they got to you Tolkien novel. Let's be friends." I replied and she nods and handed me her account name for her official Instagram account, @L.Edwards. so I gave her mine, so I snapped a good photo of us and I posted it with a caption: "@johnnydepp @L.Edwards my new friend, I helped her at Central Park today, and rescued her from a group of book destroyer punks, and caught them for the police. She never deserved that in my opinion."

And my fan support came flooding in for my new friend and they clicked on her account name and followed her, as I have, she accepted all my fans' support.

I went to the hospital with her and the nurses and doctors patch her up, the punks had only gave her flesh wounds and abrasions, thank goodness for that, no broken bones, just bruising on the flesh. I flashed a smile at Leona, she saw this:

She totally saw how nice I was to her and she said to me, "thank you, for saving my life, Johnny

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She totally saw how nice I was to her and she said to me, "thank you, for saving my life, Johnny... And send a thank you video on Instagram for your fans support to me, I appreciate it. But I miss my Harry Potter book that was torn, I was reading the sorting hat chapter when the punks tore it up to shreds..." I felt so super sorry for Leona, so I said, "tell you what, how about we take a trip to a bookshop, I can get you an new copy of said book... And if you'd like, you can spend a few days with me, and I can get you a job on my staff... I'm looking for someone who is good at being a personal assistant. I had to fire my last one, he was quite the klenoptomaniac, will you take the job?" and Leona replies ... "I'd love to" I smiled at her, and say, "if you start effective immediately, I have something for you too." She accepted the job and already got started. I gave her the royal purple fedora of silk and ruby embellishments to her and she puts on the hat, and let her hair down, and boy she suits it.

She even quickly changed into a proper dress code for a PA she is dressed like this:

She even quickly changed into a proper dress code for a PA she is dressed like this:

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gosh she looks perfect. Now she got me my coffee for today, and she made it herself without the barista at a coffee shop.

Would you like a part 2, Flame_of_Frost? Let me know

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