Grand Dinner Party at Numenguard

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Dedicated to Flame_of_Frost
Character: Gellert Grindelwald

Grand Dinner Party at Numenguard

Grindelwald had asked his favourite follower Flame_of_Frost who believed in his motto "for the greater good" from the beginning, over to Numenguard for dinner alongside a select few others. A sort of friendly affair, she's a dark witch herself.

Gellert asked his staff to begin making the food and setting the grand dinner table in the his great dining room. He has house elves cooking and cleaning to make sure everything is spotless, as he's a perfectionist.

He got ready while the preparation was being made, and boy he wanted to be the perfect host. He ordered a 3 course dinner for his guests and himself. So he his signature outfit, (below)

and he began to put some classical music on, his choice:

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and he began to put some classical music on, his choice:

As the music started to play, his guests begin to arrive at the grand castle of Numenguard, starting with Flame_of_Frost who was his guest of honour, his first invitee, he usher's her in to the grand dining room and she took the seat next to the host. "Welcome my dear friend, to Numenguard, mi casa es su casa, as those nomaj would say. May I offer you some refreshments?" Flame_of_Frost replies, "That would be wonderful, Gellert. Thank you so much. I've traveled a long way to get here." He ordered his matre'd to give them a sweet sovignon blanc to tickle their taste buds before the first course is served.

All the other guests are talking and mingling about blood purity and status of the pure blood wizarding world community. The head house elf chef calls the guests at the table to observe the starter. A creamy Austrian horseradish soup with harvest bread croutons.

And it was light and tasty, and paired with an Austrian white wine

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And it was light and tasty, and paired with an Austrian white wine. As the dishes disappeared to make way for the main, a delicious Austro-Hungarian goulash paired with a fruity red wine, which was savoured by Gellert's guest of honour.

 As the dishes disappeared to make way for the main, a delicious Austro-Hungarian goulash paired with a fruity red wine, which was savoured by Gellert's guest of honour

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Again after everyone has eaten their main the house elves made all the plates of the main course vanish. "The house elves have really outdone themselves tonight, Gellert, that was really tasty..." Flame_of_Frost says and Gellert Grindelwald replied, "I'll pass it on to my house elves that you're enjoying my Austrian themed dinner party... Before the dessert is served with a fruity and fresh pinot grigio, how about a traditional dinner party game? How about a round of charades?" Everyone agrees and goes to the grand parlor of the castle for a round of charades until the last course is served. After a good 16 minutes of a charades, the dessert dish was ready to observe, a traditional, national Hungarian dessert dish called Gerbeaud cake.

 After a good 16 minutes of a charades, the dessert dish was ready to observe, a traditional, national Hungarian dessert dish called Gerbeaud cake

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Flame_of_Frost was impressed with the dessert dish that she savours every bite of it, unlike the rest of the guests, they were wolfing it down.

After dinner, mingling began again, and then the guests begin to leave in their carriages. Gellert asks Flame_of_Frost, "do you have a home to go to? If not, you can stay with me tonight, and I'll keep you company all night, nights in this castle by myself can get so lonely." "Now that is an offer I can simply not refuse, Gellert. After I joined you, I was disowned by my own family, forsaken by my friends at school and to be honest, you took me in like one of your own. I'll live with you of you want, it looks like you do need someone to share this huge castle with. I accept my friend" Flame_of_Frost says

And ever since the day of the grand dinner party, you have been friends and roommates and rallying followers for the Greater Good of wizards everywhere.

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