Black Pearl Rum Party (Jack Sparrow)

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Full moon: end of the month aboard the Black Pearl....

Pirate Tiger Lily (MarlynShadows48) was playing a pirate dirty on her panpipes, when her friend, the ship's captain, Captain Jack Sparrow came to listen to her under the light of the full moon, atop the ship's starboard side of the deck. "Ye know, Tiger Lily, ye play the panpipes very well, that's my favourite ditty you just played. How would ye like to be me plus one to tonight's Monthly Black Pearl rum party? I certainly hope the other shipmates leave some for us." Tiger Lily replies, "hope so too, I hope those scurvy rats leave some rum for us... Knowing a good swig of the stuff has some life boosting health benefits..." Jack Sparrow was impressed with Tiger Lily and her knowledge of Rum health benefits.

Time skip, the night of the Monthly Black Pearl Rum Party....

Tiger Lily provides the music for the party as Jack Sparrow and the rest of the crew danced, ate and drank some rum.

(Let us say, the other shipmates were drinking so much, that they depleted the entire party rum supply, making them so tipsy.)

"Shipmates, what have we done? Our Captain, isn't gonna like this, me hearties." Sparrow's first mate, Hector Barbossa says. Joshamee Gibbs realised the crew hadn't left any rum for their crew's captain and his plus one, Tiger Lily. Gibbs replies, "we have a female rum maker on board, her name's Sugar Coat Jill,(my character in this.) She is the best pirate rum maker. She could help replenish the rum supply. Knowing she makes the rum ahead of our monthly Rum parties. I'll ask her if she has some ready for the captain." So Barbossa knocks on Sugar Coat Jill's rum factory door, and she opens up, and asks, "ah Barbossa, me hearty, what can I do for ye?" "How far are you making an new batch of the best pirate rum you're famous for?" "I've started making more las' weekend me hearty, it won't be ready for another 2 hours... Don' tell me you're drunk all the rum before the captain got his share, ye blundering idiots, that all ye are!" Barbossa replies, "we overdid it, alrigh' Captain Sparrow ain't gonna like this... The party has started and we drank all the rum before the captain got here. He'll be furious, thank goodness ye have almost finished the new batch...." "thanks for your time" says Jill.

Time skip: an hour later into the party.

Tiger Lily says to Captain Jack Sparrow, "I'm gasping for some of the ship's best pirate rum... Are you?" He replies, "that I am, lass, let's see if the crew left us any..." So they walk over and they saw all the empty rum barrels and bottles. "Oh ye gotta be kidding me!" Yells Captain Jack Sparrow, as he saw the empty rum barrels and bottles, and Tiger Lily continues, "those blundering pirate idiots!" Tiger Lily and Jack Sparrow gathered the crew. "Right ye blundering pirate idiots, did ye know, it's no good to drink a whole load of rum before yer Captain? Shame on ye all. So Tiger Lily and I would like to ask ye blundering pirate idiots..." And completed the sentence with Tiger Lily, "where is the bloody rum?" Gibbs owns up quickly, "me hearty, I'm so sorry, to ye both, forgive our idiotic pirate motley crew... We overdid it Captain, I realised that you both didn't have your share of the party rum... Those idiots are to blame. I kept telling them to save some. The rest didn't listen to me." "Well thank you, for owning up to the crew's mistake. Is there any more rum being produced right now?" Gibbs says, "Sugar Coat Jill will be ready with the new batch in about 10 minutes, Captain Sparrow."

"The new rum batch is filled and ready to drink... Captain Jack Sparrow and Tiger Lily get the first taste, ye galloots." Sugar coat Jill retorts.

"Thank ye lass, for replenishing the rum supply, ye really are the best rum maker on the ship. Thank ye for Havin' us have the first taste to approve the batch. Alright you un-savvy scurvy sea brats, ye all had enough to drink. Get some sleep ye scurvy sea dogs!" Sparrow says to the rum distiller, and he ordered the crew.

"Ye know, lass, Sugar Coat Jill makes the best rum, she should hide the rum from the crew until our party every month. She's our head rum producer." Jack says after a swig of rum.

"I agree, me hearty, she does what comes naturally to her. She distills the best sugarcane rum. Only the best for The Black Pearl." Tiger Lily replies.

"To the Pearl_ Jack toasts and both he and Tiger Lily clink their rum bottles and swig it down.

For MarlynShadows48

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