Chapter 5

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Kendall's PoV
Molly seems so nice! I never even knew my mum had another daughter! I guess I was just really young when she had her and gave her up. Still I would have been annoyed if she did that to me then took me back. Me and molly are going to share a room! We are gonna be like real sisters!

"Hey molly! I'm Kendall your going to be sharing a room with me, if that's ok??" I say

"Hi! That's perfect!" She says

"Would you me to show you our room??" I say I'm sort of excited!

"Yes that would be great! Thank you!" She's smiling but I can see there is something wrong. I'm making my way up the stairs to my room to show molly and I hope she likes it! I am in the middle of having it re-decorated for both of us. But as much as I try to take my mind off it, I still see that molly has a sad expression! Should I ask her what is wrong??

Molly's PoV
I am on my way up to mine and kendall's room. I'm excited but I just can't stop feeling upset! I can see that Kendall knows something is wrong. But to be honest, I don't even know what is wrong! The kardashians/ Jenners have been so nice! I just can't shake the feeling. I don't want Kendall to ask what's wrong, I wouldn't know what to say! But before I can even start thinking about why I am feeling like this we get to kendall's room and all I can say is


"Do you like it??" She asks

"Are you freaking kidding me I LOVE IT!!!!" I say in awe while she giggles.

Her room... Well our room is AMAZING!!! First of all its HUGE! and second of all she must be a friends fan too! Her door to her room is just like the purple door off of the tv show friends and inside looks exactly like the friends front room and dining room with the bathroom in the exact same place! I know I know I'm rambling but WOW!!

"I hope you like friends!" She says laughing

"Are you joking! I LOVE FRIENDS!!" I say we are just jumping around like idiots for like ten minutes until she says

"Would you like me to show you your room?!"

"I would love you to!" I say excitedly. We go inside one of the doors that would have been a bedroom in the actual friends apartment. It was amazing! It had white brick walls with a blackboard wall behind my double bed!! I have got a grey sofa with yellow, blue and coral cushions and loads of other things! How did she know that this was my dream room! She must have asked my mum! Me and my mum used to sit down together and design our dream bedrooms... its happening. I can feel the warm tears stream down my face. I can see Kendall out of the corner of my eye looking over worriedly.

Kendall's PoV
Oh no! What do I do?! I can see molly crying next to me and I don't know why!

"Molly?" I ask worriedly

"Yep. I'm sorry I don't mean to cry..." she says between sobs. I decide to lead her to her bed we sit down

"It's okay... is it the room??" I say confused

"NO! No!! Of course not! I love it! It's just that when I was growing up me and my mum used to snuggle together and design our dream room.... and. and this was the exact design we both dreamed of" she says smiling as she talked about her mom.

"Awwww that's sweet! I understand why you are crying! I would hate to be taken away from my mum!... But we did speak to her and asked what you would like your room like and she told us... IM jealous!" I say hugging her

"Thank you" she says quietly.

But something has just caught my eye. Molly must have gotten warm at some point and rolled up her sleeves but all along her arms are red scars. she self harms...

Molly's PoV
Kendall is so sweet! She Has calmed me down.

"Molly?" Kendall says softly

"Yes?" I say

"What's this??" She asks pointing to my arms. oh fudge balls! My cuts! I completely forgot! What if she tells everyone?!

"Ummm... ummmm... nothing I fell over back home." I say unsurely

"Molly... are you cutting??" She asks softly, I'm afraid but she isn't judging.

"Yes." I say. Wow I must really trust her!

"Molly.... why?" She says softly

"It was when I was told I had to leave my parents... I don't know why I'm an idiot!" I say sobbing

"Molly Jane!!! You are not an idiot!! I will help you through this! whenever you need to talk I'm here okay? And don't worry I won't tell anyone." She says softly

"Thank you Kendall!" I say with relief hugging her

"Anytime." she says. me and Kendall are going to be close she is already like my sister.

hey thank you soooo much for reading this! In really sorry if it's not the best but this is my first fanfic and it will get better as it goes along!👌

Don't forget to comment anything you would like to happen 😘❤️😂☺️

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