Chapter 12

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Molly's PoV - 2 weeks later
I woke up with an uneasy churning feeling in my stomach for like the 5th time in a row. I bolted to my bathroom and puked up what felt like the whole contents of my stomach. I was so annoyed, Nash was coming over today and I didn't want to feel crappy...


"Hey babe it's me Kylie, can I come in??" Whispered Kylie from the other side of the door

"Come on in" I replied as I go t back into my bed feeling sorry for myself.

"Hey doll... U feeling okay? I could hear you gagging from down the hall.." Kylie laughed getting into my bed and stroking my hair

"I guess so... I think I have some sort of bug... I've felt like this for the past few days... I'll feel better later on, I always do.." Kylie looked at me with a mixture of concern and worry in her face

"So you've only felt like this in the mornings???" Kylie asked me still stroking my hair

"Yeah, I guess" I replied

"Have you and Nash... You know had sex??" Kylie asked the worry building in her throat

"Yes, but we used protection... I think..." I said starting to worry

"I think maybe you should text Nash... " Kylie answered

"And don't worry I won't tell anyone..." She said noticing the worry in my eyes

"Thanks ky.." I said as she got up and left the room

Molly: hey babe, I need to talk to you, it's urgent. Could you come over quick??? Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Nash: hey baby of course I'm On My way xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

About twenty minutes later I got a text from Nash

Nash: hey baby, I'm outside, I would knock but I don't want to wake anybody up xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

I walked down the stairs in my pjs which were nash's t shirt and hoodie with a messy bun in and no makeup. Yikes. Still feeling queezy... I opened the door to see a worried Nash

"Baby.." He grabbed me holding me close, and a little too tight. I pulled away from his grip and ran as fast as I could to the nearest bathroom and made it just in time before i vomited my water I had just had back up.

"Are you okay??" Nash asked carrying me up the stairs to my room

"I'm fine, I've felt like this the past few mornings...." I said quietly

"Nash??" I asked

"Yes baby??" He said

" did we use a condom the other week??" I asked scared of the answer

Nash gave me a look of horror before replying

"No" he whispered

"I think I'm pregnant..." I said sobbing into his chest as he sat down on the bed

" shhhhhhh... It's okay.. " he said soothingly

"It's not okay.." I sobbed

"I'm frickin 16!" I started to panic not being able to breathe

"We don't know for sure yet... I say we get some tests and then we can go from there okay baby?" Said Nash calming me down

"Okay..." I said burying my head into his neck.

" I think Kim has some in her bathroom for her and Kanye... I'll go grab them" I said stroling out of the room. I tiptoed into Kim's bathroom and grabbed a handful of tests and walked back into my room.

After I had finished peeing on the tests I went and sat in the corner of my room looking at Nash who had his head in his hands.


my timer went off signalling that it was time to check the tests. I say next to Nash looking at them all.


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