Chapter 6

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We barely get a chance to look around for the boy when he falls from the sky, his neck roughly sliced and his eyes empty of life. We all run over, I drop to my knees as I pull his hands into one of mine. My other hand moves up to close his eyes gently as the others stand surrounding us as they remain to be lost for words. 

"They use the trees" Finn announces causing everyone to look up, a new fear suddenly found in this already scary world. They where born here, raised here they know how to use everything to their advantage. This is their hunting ground and we are the prey in this death trap they call earth. 

"We shouldn't have crossed the boundary" 

"Now can we go back?" the voices repeat, the fear rising up in everyone as the thought of death seems closer than before. 

"There" Jasper calls out, pointing his metal pole in the direction of a ground who stands within the trees. 

"Another one" a boy calls out pointing in the opposite direction as Jasper. We all begin the look around us, trying to spot the before they get nay closer. 

"We should run" Finn suggests. 

"We can't out run them, they know the area better than us" I protest but Bellamy wraps his hand around my arm as everyone begins to run, giving me no choice but to run along with them. I rip my arm out of his grip as my feet continue to carry me as fast as they can. My tired legs want to give up but the years of running on a treadmill to help with stress has me prepared for the perseverance it takes to run this fast and far. We run fast, never stopping but they don't stop either. They run along side us making sure to keep their distance still. 

"What are we going to do they keep cutting us off?" a boy questions, his breathe catching as he continues to run.

"Keep running" Finn instructs. 

"I can't run much longer" Jasper calls out from the back of the group and I am instantly reminded of his only recent injury, I should have examined it by now. I am sure Clarke did her best but I am trained to deal with this sort of thing. 

"I'm not stopping for him!" a harsh voice calls from behind me causing me to come to a halt next to Bellamy who also stopped running.

"I'm sick of running anyways" Bellamy snaps. 

"What are you doing?" Finn yells, his face full of confusion and hints of fear linger in his eyes.

"They know where she is" Bellamy concluded as he looked around.

"Digg's where are you?" the girl calls before taking off after the boy, we all begin to follow her knowing it is safer if we stay as a group. We hear her scream as we try to run after her, it isn't long till we realise why she was screaming. Everyone stops when we come across the boy who is now implied in front of us, blood runs from his mouth as the look of shock remains on his lifeless body. 

"They where leading us here. It's the only direction we could run in" Jasper observes as he continues to watch the surrounding area. I gently close the dead boys eyelids as the boys talk. 

"After Roma" is all I hear before they begin running, this time it is Jasper who tugs at my arm to get me to follow them. Screams continue to echo throughout the forest as we run. We don't stop running until we come across what appears to be the girl hiding behind a large tree. Bellamy pushes ahead of the group making him the first to see the girl speared to the tree. Her body only being held in place by the sharp weapon. 

"They're playing with us" Finn concludes as he watches the young girl in front of us. Bellamy softly closes her eyes an instantly I know there is more going on here than just another one of the hundred who was tragically killed by grounders. 

"She only came because of me" the simple sentence tugs at my already pained heart. The look on his face one of guilt and genuine upset. 

"They can kill us whenever they want" Finn continues not even noting Bellamy confession of guilt. 

"Then they should get it over with" Jasper screams, "Come on" he continues to yell as Finn rushes over to him clearly worried about the grounders reaction to Jaspers invitation. I move towards Jasper as well, talking his face in my hands. 

"Jasper calm down" I whisper as I hold his face. His deep brown eye slock onto mine as I can feel the fear rolling off of him in waves. After a moment he finally stops yelling but by then it is too late. 

"Incoming" Monroe screams causing us all turn to watch the grounders race towards us. The sound of a loud horn grabbing all of our attention as well as the grounders, they take it as a sign to leave. Within seconds of the horn beginning they are no where to be seen. 

"They're leaving" Bellamy observes as the horn continues to bellow through the forest.

"That horn what does it mean?" I ask, unsure whether this had been happened to them before but being new to all things earth I had no idea what was going on. 

"Acid fog" Finn quickly responds as he pulls something from his bag. 

"You have got to be kidding me" I sigh, earth seems to get worse every time I learn more about it. I had been top of my class in earth skills and had never heard of acid fog but I imagine it was similar to the mustard fog humans used in war on earth thousands of years ago. Bellamy looks at me with a smirk tugging at his lips clearly amused by my reaction but my anger doesn't allow me to smile back instead I shoot a cold glare in his direction. 

"We have to run" Monroe suggests clearly just as unsure of how to handle the fog. 

"There is no time" Finn answers instantly. "Get under now" Finn instructed as he shook the tent out over the ground. We didn't need to be told twice, we all crowded underneath. I am laid between Bellamy and Finn, so close that I can smell the warm scent I know to be Bellamy. His breath is warm on my neck causing the small hairs to rise up. I don't even feel the tear rolling down my cheek until his thumb gently wipes it away, my eyes wander to his face. The orange light makes his features look harsher but his lips look softer, more welcoming. I don't thank him, I just turn so my head is facing Finn instead. I can't bear to be this close to Bellamy when I am so mad, I loose all sense of control when he is so close. 

"How long are we supposed to wait?" Jasper asks softly as my eyes lock onto his.

"Will it even work?" Monroe question. 

"We'll find out" Finn answers quietly. 

"No we won't" Bellamy interjects before quickly lifting the tent and putting his head out. My heart races at the idea that the acid fog is till there, I might be furious at Bellamy but I couldn't handle loosing him as well. "There's no fog" he huffs, a sense of annoyance thick on his tongue.

"Their coming back" someone points out as we watch a single grounder running through the trees. 

"He doesn't see us, I'm going after him" Bellamy informs us before taking off after the grounder. Without a second thought I begin to run as well, following behind Bellamy who is following the grounder. 

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