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And back to your usual schedule of the villain group chat:

Burnt Chicken Nugget: MONKEYS in the ARCTIC?! What's next, vampires on the weekend?!

Stain fanboy: but imagine if there were dragons

Once: you Punks Are so daft

Stabby Bitch: Boy if you keep making these puns we're gonna fall out

Big Sis Magne: These puns are bound to cause some kind of panic at the disco

Waffle One: Oh my lorde this is getting out of hand

How in the hell do you type good sir: REEEEE!!

Dusty 'n Crusty: thank you for your input Pyro.

I will only refer to the USJ nomu as Pyro from now on. That's his name now. You can't argue with me.

Mha on crack (tho it's primarily the villains + the wild wild Pussycats)Where stories live. Discover now