Blessed Are The Peacemakers

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Lord Andrew Charles and Lady Karissa have three four children and Lord Richard William and Lady Karissa share two children and they have a unique blended family.

They all live out at Beltane Manor on the outskirts of Bedford Territory in the foothills of Bedford Territory where Lord Richard William Carey is Duke.

There is always one Peacemaker in every family and her name is Lady Samhain Wilhelmina Charlene Beck nee Howard and she is the second child and daughter of Lord Andrew Charles Howard and Lady Karissa.

She was born on the one of the most significant Pagan Sabbats of the Year it is Their New Year on October 31 and she was given the full name of Lady Samhain "(Galiec for "Summer Ends) Wilhelmina for her great-great-grandfather, Lord Frederick William, and Charlene in honor of her great-grandfather and grandfather, Lord Charles Andrew Howard SR and JR) and the surname of her father, Lord Andrew Charles Howard.

On the day she was born Lady Karissa all of sudden let out a scream and she fell to the floor and Lord Andrew Charles picked her up and carried her to their suite and Lord David William promised to save both mother and child.

Lord Andrew Charles was more concerned about saving his Duchess but Lord David told him he was a doctor and he had taken the hypocritical oath to save lives and he delivered Lady Samhain while Lady Karissa lay unconscious.

Lord Andrew Charles couldn't bear to look at his newborn daughter as his wife lay unconscious and Lord David warned him " Wait until Lady Karissa finds out how you acted Lord Andrew Charles."

Lord David places Lady Samhain next by Lady Karissa's side and she starts to cry and the next thing that happens is that Lady Karissa opens up her eyes and she asks, "Where is my child?"

"Look at your side." Lord David tells Lady Karissa.

Lady Karissa picks up her newborn daughter and she cradles her and says, "Lord Andrew Charles. Have you seen our new daughter?"

"I have seen her and I almost lost you." Lord Andrew Charles tells her.

"How dare you question Zeus and Hera." Lady Karissa tells him.

"You are not to question Zeus and Hera in what they do. You are to trust and obey." Lady Karissa tells him.

"Do you know how long it took me to find you Lady Kairssa? I had to wait 23 years before I found you? Lord Andrew Charles tells her.

"Do you know how long I had to wait to have my children, Lord Andrew Charles. All of my life." Lady Karissa tells him.

"I think I have waited longer than you." Lady Karissa tells him.

'Do you think I just go to bed with any man?" Lady Karissa asks.

"I don't know Lady Karissa. I know that my cousin Lord Richard William has designs on you." Lord Andrew Charles tells her.

"I haven't gone to bed with him yet. I plan to." Lady Karissa tells him.

"I have made Lady Samhain Duchess of Clarence Territory." Lord Andrew Charles tells Lady Karissa.

"Don't blame my daughter for almost losing my life giving birth to her." Lady Karissa warns.

"I didn't die and I don't plan to because I dare not leave them with a man like you Lord Andrew Charles." Lady Karissa tells him.

"I plan to be alive for a long time to see my Elizabeth take over Norfolk Territory when the time comes." Lady Karissa tells him.

Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR walks in and he sees Lady Karissa holding his new granddaughter in her arms and he exclaims, " What a fine child she is, Lord Andrew Charles. She will prove to be a real credit to you one day."

"Mark my word my son." Lord Charles Andrew JR tells him.

"I have no doubt father." Lord Andrew Charles tells his father.

"What fine names you gave her. Samhain to honor our Pagan Sabbat, and your great-grandfather, Lord Frederick William, and your grandfather and of course me son. Lord Frederick William be proud." Lord Charles Andrew JR tells him.

"Lady Karissa picked out the names for her father." Lord Andrew Charles tells him.

"I am honored, Lady Karissa. My father and grandfather would be honored too." Lord Charles Andrew JR tells her.

"I thought of her great-great-grandfather, great-grandfather, and grandfather when I named her." Lady Karissa tells Lord Charles Andrew JR.

"I am honored as would my father and grandfather would be." Lord Charles Andrew JR tells her.

Later on as Lady Samhain grows up Lady Karissa gives her the name of "Peacemaker " of The Howard family.

Lady Samhain mediates between Lady Elizabeth, Lord Andrew Charles JR and Lord Charles Andrew III when they argue.

Lady Samhain doesn't like conflict and discord within her family and she always plays mediator between family members.

Particularly, between Lady Elizabeth and Lord Charles Andrew Howard III who Lady Elizabeth doesn't care about but they share the same sister, Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann Howard.

Lady Elizabeth reminds Lord Charles Andrew II who their mother is Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann Carey-Howard nee Lowell the lioness of Norfolk Territory and Bedford Territory and we are her cubs.

"I am her eldest lion cub and if you attack my brothers and sisters I will attack you." Lady Elizabeth promises Lord Charles Andrew III.

All of a sudden the rest of the lion cubs appear and they unite with Lady Elizabeth and Lady Caroline Matilda with her husband, Lord Kevin Thomas Riley says, " Back off Lord Charles Andrew III. I will side with Lady Elizabeth."

Lord Richard William Carey walks out and asks what is going on and Lord Richard William JR tells his father " Father. This person of no account was attacking my older brother, Lord Andrew Charles JR."

"What have I told you Lord Charles Andrew III about starting discord between my family and on my territory. I ought to banish you." Lord Richard exclaims.

"Don't you have a territory to govern?" Lord Richard William asks. 'Do you prefer to make trouble like your father?"

"Take yourself out of my territory and don't come back." Lord Richard tells him.

Lady Karissa carrying Lady Karissa walks out and says, " Why do you come and make trouble?"

"You are Lady Karissa's elder brother and you are setting a bad example." Lady Karissa tells him.

"You share a sister with Lord Andrew Charles JR and she is your sister." Lady Karissa tells him.

"It is my desire that she loves you both as she grows up but don't divide her love between you two as it won't work." Lady Karissa warns.

"Lady Karissa is more familiar with Lord Andrew Charles JR and Lord Richard William JR." Lady Karissa tells him.

"I am Duchess of Norfolk Territory now Lord Charles Andrew III." Lady Elizabeth reminds him " You better think about what happened to your sister."

"No title and no Dukedom means no trust fund set up by our great-grandfather." Lady Elizabeth tells him, "You will be on your own."

"Stop and think about your unborn children." Lady Elizabeth tells him.

All the lioness cubs gather around Lord Charles Andrew III and he realizes that he can't win against the Lioness cubs especially Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane Howard.

Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane is the eldest lion cub of Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann Carey -Howard nee Lowell and Lord Andrew Charles Howard.

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