Resting Info.

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Sage woke up as Fearow and Minun talked about the rangers. They paused as he yawned. He noticed the duo pokemon walk over and smiled.

"Hey Fearow..."

It nodded to its partner as Minun jumped onto the bed. A bad memory flew through his head that made him pause.

"You were the Minun from before... right?"

It nodded as he paused.

"Hm... then if I'm right... you want to be with Lapis?"

It nodded as he glanced at the bluenette. He was still peacefully sleeping beside him. Sage slipped off the bed with a smile.

"We'll talk to him about it later."

It nodded before following him downstairs. Cedar was arguing with some other rangers about something. It was a very one sided fight as Cedar was at the table with his head slightly down, sending glares of annoyance and probably death ones at the other rangers. Sage frowned before going over.

"What's the problem?" Alyssa hummed.

"Cedar won't relax."

"6." The others chuckled at the weak voice Cedar used to fire back.

"What are you going to do?"

"Let my Slowpoke show you how horrible your insults are. 5." His hand then rubbed his face as Sage sighed.

"Rest of you on patrol. We'll have a base meeting later." They nodded as they went out. Sage sat down next to Cedar as he huffed.

"Don't... I know... I should've rested... but I couldn't..." Minun went up onto the table and put a paw on his head. It was adorable as it checked him. "I'm fine, Minun..." It paused as it crossed its arms. Sage paused.

"Cedar, I can almost feel your temperature from here. Go to bed. You're sick and need to rest."



He paused before slowly getting up and heading off. His Slowpoke let him grab its tail so that it could escort him up to his room. Sage smiled at that before turning to Minun.

"How about you wake up Lapis? Be gentle about it."

It nodded before going upstairs. He smiled before relaxing a bit. In just a few minutes later, Minun led a tired Lapis to the table. He smiled at that as Lapis rubbed his eyes.

"Morning Captain..." Sage hummed as he sat down next to him. "How long was I out...?"

"Not sure... but you slept. Be happy." Lapis gazed at him.

"Mistress Ibe would be happy. I should've stayed awake..." He paused. "Though... I can't disagree that it wasn't needed." Sage chuckled as he stretched. "Hush." Sage smiled as Minun curled up on his lap while he finished waking up. He noticed the small electric type and petted it, gaining a small purr from it. Sage smiled.

"If I'm not mistaken, I think it has taken a liking of you." Lapis laughed lightly.

"It did follow me as Cedar was dragging me back. In fact, it didn't leave my side while I was trying to finish checking the area. It kept me focused... that's what had me last night. I was busy thinking about what it had done."

The Minun had fallen asleep in his lap, maintaining a calm aura in the air. Sage smiled.

"I bet you can make it your partner pokemon. You two seem to fit perfectly." Lapis nodded faintly as it stretched and sat up.

"Two things, little guy. One, why do I get to wake up but you get more time?" It smiled as it jumped up to the table, not answering the question. "Two... Do you want to be my partner?" It smiled as it nodded. He smiled as the duo hugged. Sage smiled.

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