The Beginning

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"Aubrey you're going to be late for work." Jess shouts from down the hall.

"Yeah you don't think I know that, is there a coffee out there for me?" I shout back.

"Yeah babe hurry." 

I quickly throw on my uniform and grab my keys and handbag. I look at myself in the mirror and quickly apply some mascara so that I don't look so drained. Yet again my alarm didn't go off and my shift starts in ten minutes, it takes twelve minutes to get to the hospital and that's when there ISNT traffic.

I make sure I have got everything and I rush out my room to the front door.

"About timeeeee" Jess laughs as she gives me a kiss on the cheek and hands me my coffee.

"I'll see you later, I get off at 6."

"No night shift?" Jess smiles.

"Nope not tonight, got the night off." I wink and open the door to leave. "Byeeeeee."

Jess shouts "bye" back and I close the door and run out the building. I live in a block of flats in main town with my best friend Jess. We have been friends since uni and we moved in together after a few years. I can't live without her. If it wasn't for her I don't know where I would be right now.

I run to my car and unlock it before climbing in. I start the engine and I'm off.


"Hey Aubrey!"

"Hey Tom, hows it been this morning?" I question while throwing my things into the staff room.

"Quite slow which means today will be hectic. You're lucky you're a minute late because any later you would be fucke-"

"Yes, sorry thank you I know. Traffic was bad and alarm didn't go off." I said while finishing my coffee.

Tom gives me a smile, probably out of pity as I was stressed because of my rough morning. I was about to open my mouth to ask him how he is but before I could the emergency system starts to flow through the corridors.

"Time to go!" I say as I jump up and make way for the emergency.


The day went pretty quick, had a few major casualties but nothing I wasn't used to. It just becomes a lot when you've been doing it so much and for so long. It's draining begin a nurse but I enjoy it so I'm not to bothered.

Before I knew it, it was time to go and couldn't wait to sit back and relax after day of being on my feet.

I went to the staff room to gather my things and just as I was about to leave I bumped into Tom.

"Woah hey, I was on my way out too. Mind waiting up...?"

"Errr yeah sure." I waited for Tom as I didn't mind to much but we were just friends. We aren't close but he's a nice guy and works hard.

We walked to the parking lot together and said bye to each other as we went out separate ways.
I drive home and surprisingly traffic isn't too bad. Especially for a Friday night.

I parked up and walked through the building to my apartment. I unlocked the door and Jess was dancing around the kitchen blasting out music from the new speakers we bought.

I sighed and laughed as I walked in and closed to door. I was about to go to my room to get changed but Jess saw me and tackled me.

"Bitch lets go out tonight pleaaaaseeee. We can go down to that bar, I heard there's a ton of fit guys there."

"I want to turn you down but the sound of going to a bar for a change is getting me excited BUT I am not getting laid as I haven't got the energy for that."

"OMG is Aubrey saying yes to a night out, woooo go get changed and wear something... hot but causal."

I laughed and walked into the bathroom. I cleaned myself up and had a shower because I smelt fucking awful from today. I went into my room and curled my hair as I didn't like how it fell so straight most of the time. I decided to put on my black skinny jeans and boots. I wore my white cropped tee and leather jacket to keep myself warm as the nights get cold.

I sat in front of my mirror and applied some light pink lipstick and some light makeup on my eyes and cheeks.

"Hey Jess are you ready?"

"Yeah just coming, are we driving or getting a cab?"

"Get a cab because I want a drink."

Jess got her bag ready and I just put my phone in my back pocket and some cash in my jacket as I didn't want to be dragging a bag around all evening. We stood outside and waited for the cab and soon it arrived so we were on our way.

"Hey what is this bar called?" I ask Jess as I actually had no idea where we were going.

"I don't know... some biker bar I think, some guy at work recommended it to me and considering you're my only friend, I thought we should go together."

I smiled and just accepted it, it's nice to go somewhere different for a change.

We arrived at the bar and stepped out the cab to pay the driver. It was vintage looking and didn't look modern but it looked nice this way. There were tons of Harley Davidsons outside and it was starting to make me want one as they looked so nice. I didn't know much about bikes but still made me want one.

We walked through the entrance and there was loud chatter and music playing but the thing I noticed the most was the unbelievable amount of men who seemed to all be wearing the same jackets with "dark angels" across the back. Must be part of a club. I admired that, they are probably like family or are actually family and I always here that clubs are loyal and always look out for each other.

Jess pulled me over to the bar and it felt like all eyes were on us but I didn't turn around to see as a part of me felt intimidated. There were few women in here but the women that were here seemed to be all over the men.

"What can I get ya?" The bartender spoke.

Hey guys I am writing another book for my own sake as I enjoy it but I will be continuing the other story too!

I will be finishing both stories so look out for updates! Thanks for the reads!

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