Another Drink

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My shift was coming to an end and the bikers were all getting ready to leave. They literally spent all day in with Meryl but I respect that, shows how loyal they are.

I gave Meryl his meds before I left and went to the staff room to get my things. I opened the fridge and put my bottle in there for tomorrow.

"Mind me walking you out?" I turned around and Tom was leaning on the door frame with his bag.

"Yeah sure, could do with some company while I walk."

I grabbed my things and left with Tom.

"How were things today with those guys?"

I hesitated for a second but then realised today wasn't all that bad really.

"Things were ok, am I on dealing with it on my shift again tomorrow?"

"Yeah if that's ok with you, don't want to stress you out too much."

I laughed at his comment, I'm stressed enough as it is but this doesn't amount to it.

We walked out the doors into the cold night. It was freezing but the sky was clear and so you could see all the stars. It felt magical... and it would have been if I wasn't standing outside work.

"So I'll see you tomorrow then, maybe I could give you a lift into work tomorrow?" I turned to Tom completely forgetting I was still with him.

"Errr..." this is so awkward. I know Toms only being nice but... I don't really know him all that well. "I'm sorry but I think I'll drive tomorrow as I have somewhere I need to be after work." Shit I lied and I bet he could see straight through me.

"Ahh, no it's cool, maybe another time." Tom turned to walk to his car. "Night Aubrey."

I gave him a smile as I walked away and made way for me car. As I got closer I noticed a bike next to my car. Not just any old bike, a Harley.

I stood next to my car while fumbling for my keys in my bag.

"Not leaving with your boyfriend?"

I turn around in fright as I didn't know there was anyone behind me. It was only Jaxon but nonetheless, it still scared me.

"What?" I asked confused.

"That doctor... your boyfriend." Jax points over in the direction Tom went.

"Tom? Oh no... him... no we... he's just." I pause for a minute trying to gather my words and Jax is smirking. I sighed, "he's not my boyfriend we are just work friends, I don't know him all that well."

"Does he know that? Cuz the way he looks at you makes it seem otherwise." He smirks and pulls a cigarette out his pocket.

He starts to light it and I don't really know what else to say. I open my car door but before I could get in, it's slammed right shut.

Before I could turn Jax pushed me against the car. Not harshly but not kind either.

"Erm... I need to go home. It's late and I have to be here at 6 tomorrow." I try pry myself away but it doesn't work.

"This feels familiar, wasn't it- oh yeah when you called me an asshole." He smirks when he finishes his sentence. He looks so attractive and I feel like I'm about to melt because of how close he is to me. I try not to show it all too much.

I swallowed, "I'm sorry about that... I just... had a rough couple days."

I look up and Jax is already staring down at me. I look into his grey eyes and don't see anger or sadness or anything negative, he seems... happy to say the least.

Our faces our centimetres apart and I feel his hot breathe on my face. He smells like a mix of smoke and alcohol and I kind of liked the smell. After what felt like an eternity of silence, Jaxon spoke.

"You and your friend should come back to the bar sometime."

And on that note he moved away from me and got in his bike. He revved his motorcycle and shot off like nothing even happened.

I was standing in the car park like a fucking idiot holding my keys still pressed against the side of my car.

I turned, got in the car and made my way home.


"Hey Aubrey, you're late. Want a drink?"

I walked through the kitchen and threw my bag on the counter. I leaned against the counter and sighed.

"Do we have any vodka left?" I was desperate for a drink. Needed to take my mind off things.

"Two bottles." Jess smiled and I couldn't help but grin back.

"Pour me a glass for when I get out the shower. I have a story to tell you."


"OMG I cannot believe that they were there!!" Jess shrieked when I told her about my day.

She found it more funny than anything but I know if she was in my shoes, she would have shit herself.

We were laughing about my day and then Jess started to mock the bikers and drew a fake beard and moustache on her face.

I couldn't help but laugh and my stomach ached from laughing so hard at her.
I was planning on only having one drink tonight as I had work in the morning but the bottles of vodka had disappeared.

I felt a bit tipsy now and I wasn't planning to stop. It was only 8:30 and we had already finished the bottles.

"I'm just gonna nip down the shop and grab us a couple more bottles of vodka as we are out."

"Ooo ok be safe here take $20 towards it." Jess handed me some cash and it was a lot more than $20. She must have been drinking before I got back.

I stumbled out the apartment building and held onto the walls to keep myself standing. I usually don't get drunk this quickly but considering how quick and how much we drank... I'm not surprised. Also drinking on an empty stomach doesn't help either.

I walk down the street and nobody is around. I looked up at the night sky while walking and took in the beautiful view once more. I smiled to myself and then I snapped out of it as I remembered what I was actually supposed to be doing. The corner shop was open till 10pm so that's where I was headed.

I fell into the door expecting it to be a push but nope. It was a pull.

I laughed to myself and pulled open the door so hard that it smacked into the wall. Oops.

"Evening John." I waved at the cashier and he waved back with a smile on his face.

Clearly amused at my little performance.

I walk down the isle and stop where all the alcohol is. I decide to pick up 4 bottles of the cheapest vodka because I was lazy and couldn't be bothered to pay that much. I struggle to pick them up without falling but I manage.

I shuffle towards the counter and place the bottles down while John scans them.

"Night in or night out?" He asks.

Johns so kind and friendly and has owned this shop for as long as I can remember.

"Night in tonight... maybe a night out tomorrow as I won't have work the next day." I laughed and handed him the cash for the drink.

He puts it all in a bag for me and we say our goodbyes as we walk out the shop.

As I leave a bright light shines across the street. I look to see where it's being emitted from and then, I hear it. The sound of a motorcycle.

Not just one, about ten.

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