The Apology

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My alarm went off at 5:30am as it was a Sunday and I have a 12 hour shift today. 6:30am-6:30pm. Long days were the worst.

I pull myself out of bed and get myself ready for work. Jess isn't up and I don't expect her to be this early on a Sunday. I make myself a coffee and drink it before brushing my teeth.

I head out and unlock my car. It was sunny today but chilly as it was so early. It was 6:10 which meant I had time for a fag break.

*fag means cigarette in the uk, I haven't decided an actual place for this story so make it up if you like or give me recommendations*

I inhale the smoke and lean against my car as I embrace the morning air. The cold breathe of the wind brushed on my face and was really waking me up this morning.

I finish my fag and hop in the car.


The drive was quick as the streets are quiet due to the day of the week and time.

I park up and walk into the hospital to be greeted by Tom.

"Hi Aubrey, how was your day off?" He pushed.

"Erm..." I thought about a reasonable answer, "eventful." I said before I walked to the staff room.

He looked confused but brushed it off and came with me down to the staff room.

"I have a room upstairs that needs tending too. A guy came in last night, multiple stab wounds. He is ok and going to make it but I need you to do meds today and sort out his dressing throughout the day as we don't want infection. Apart from that just keep a close eye on him."

"Ok brilliant, what unit?"

"Private sector, room 4." He smiled and handed me a clipboard with the patients paperwork.

I would read through it when I got up there. I walked to the lift and went up. Before the doors opened I could hear awful noise, like shouting and it didn't sound pleasant. The doors opened and I was greeted with chaos.

"Gosh Aubrey thank lord you are here." Janice one of the other nurses ran over to me.

I observed the scene in front of me and there was at least 10 of the bikers from Jaxons bar in the waiting room. And the one and only man himself had been shouting at poor Janice. Janice was a much older woman. In her 50s and she always tries to be polite and do good but struggles when it comes to aggressive people.

Jaxon makes eye contact with me and all the bikers are also watching me. Some standing some sitting. As if things couldn't get more awkward.

"Aubrey is it?" Jaxon bluntly asked.

I swallowed before nodding my head... oh god what if...I looked down at the clipboard and the patient I was tending to was... Meryl!!!! You have got to be fucking with me.

I walked down the corridor avoiding everyone's gaze not saying a word and headed towards room 4.

I opened the door and walked in to see Meryl sitting up on the bed awake. Maybe if he was asleep it would be much easier to deal with his annoying ass.

"You've got to be shitting me." He sighed.

I cleared my throat and began to talk. "Hello sir, I will be... looking after you to see that you get better." I take a seat beside the bed with one and clipboard in hand. "How do you feel?" I asked.

"My wounds fucking hurt but not as bad as when you punched me in the nose."

I froze not really sure how to respond to that.

"Well... erm... Meryl I am really sorry for that, honestly it was a mistake and I panicked. I just wanted to clear that up so you feel a bit more... comfortable seeing as I will be looking after you." I smiled.

"Ehhhhh, I guess I'm sorry too. I had it coming to be fair it's just that no bitch.... I mean woman.... has ever hit me so it took me by surprise and I was embarrassed. Can't lie you have a good arm."

I laughed, "I'll take that as a compliment" a slight smile formed on his face and I think I cleared the air. Hopefully he doesn't hate me as much anymore.

I went into the bathroom to check his medication was all in check and as I came back out, the room door swung open and Jaxon stormed in.

He looked over at Meryl and then scanned the room until his eyes met mine. Oh shit.

He stared in confusion and he looked mad. I didn't want to aggravate him so I chose not to say anything. But he had different ideas.

"I swear to god if you fuck this up I will-"

"Jax, it's cool brother. We sorted it out as it was a huge misunderstanding." Meryl came to my defence before jaxon said anything more hurtful.

I was about to open my mouth to apologise to Jaxon but Tom walked in.

"Is everything ok in here Aubrey." Tom said.

Tom looked me up and down before giving me a sweet smile. Jaxon was staring at Tom like he had just done the unthinkable.

"Yeah everything's good, thanks Tom." I replied back and gave him a reassuring smile.

Tom turned to Meryl and then to Jaxon and gave them each a smile which was not returned. I prayed he wouldn't leave me in a room with these two of all people but he turned and closed the door on the way out.

"How fucking long is he gonna be here?" Jaxon stared at me with fists clenched.

"Usually it's a 3 day period just to make sure everything is ok before we send him home as we don't want risk of infection and we want to make sure he progresses but really he can stay as long as he would like or need to."

"I want him out today, now actually." Jax sternly said while drilling holes into me with his eyes.

"Erm... I'm not sure that's a good idea also I'm not authorised to allow that kind of thing. I would need to run that with the head doct-" I started before I was rudely interrupted.

"I don't know if you know who I am or who any of us are, but we don't take no for an answer. So stop fucking around and figure this shit out." Jax almost shouted but I think he was trying to refrain from that idea.

I nodded and didn't say anything else as I felt like it would piss him off even more. I looked to the floor.

"I'll go check with the doctor after I've given Meryl his meds and then see what I can do for you." I smiled trying to be polite as I didn't need anymore grief.

I walked over to Meryl and handed him four different tablets he needed to take to make the pain go away and to help fix him up. I gave him a glass of water and a small pot of jelly to keep him hydrated.

I felt Jax's eyes on me the entire time. I walked away from the bed and headed for the door. I opened it and before leaving I said "if you need anything just ring that bell on the bed and I'll be the first one notified to come help."

Neither replied so I took that as an 'ok'. I walked out and hurried as normal as possible down the corridor into the staff kitchen to grab a drink.

"Are you ok sweetheart?" It was only Janice and I felt more than happy to see her.

"Absolutely fan-fucking-tastic."

Janice let our a little chuckle which made me smile, today was going to be a long day of hell.

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