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"Hello ladies."

We turned around and Nina was standing behind us, cigarette and drink in hand.

I swallowed and so did Jess, I'm sure we both looked like idiots.

"Ive never seen you two before and thought I would say hi, I'm friendly I promise... earlier was just a misunderstand with my boys." She stuck her hand out "I'm Nina, Jaxons mother and could say I'm the queen on these biker morons."

I smiled and Jess let out a small giggle. I took her hand and shook it, she definitely did not seem as scary as I thought.

"Hey I'm Aubrey and this is my best friend Jess."

"Wow, such beautiful names. What brings you to our bar?" Nina came and sat beside me and she seemed like a genuinely nice women but I guessed that she knew how to take care of herself and she definitely had a scary side, which I hope I'm never on.

"Thanks and we erm... had a run in with one of your guys not that long ago... with Meryl but Jax invited us back." I smiled shyly as I wasn't sure what the reasonable thing to say was.

"Ohhh, you're THAT Aubrey that everyone was talking about. The nurse who put Meryl on his ass." Damn did everyone know about that incident?

"Err yeah the one and only." I took a sip of my drink so I didn't feel so embarrassed.

"Wow, good on you. Meryl deserved it I imagine, always does and says things without thinking his actions have consequences."

I laughed and so did Nina and Jess. Nina ordered another round of drinks and said it was on the house.

Time passed and we ended up getting more relaxed and comfortable because of how much we were drinking and how much we were talking.

It was now around 11 and the bar was even more wild than when we first walked in here.

Men dancing around with beer and they ended up spilling the majority of it over each other. The music was so loud I could barely hear myself think.

"Hey, do you girls wanna come round back to the lounge. So much nicer round there and I can show you some cool things." Nina offered and I wasn't going to turn it down. Me and Jess both nodded and Nina grabbed 3 bottles of vodka from behind the bar.

One for me, one for Jess and one for her.

"Oh my god, is this allowed." Jess asked, fear in her eyes as she didn't want to get in trouble.

"Hunny I own this bar and we can have whatever we want." She winked at Jess and grabbed both our hands while dragging us through the biker boys and round to the back.

We walked through a corridor and went down into one of the rooms which I assumed was the lounge she was talking about.

It was cosy, sofas round a table and cabinets full of alcohol, classic.
Then I noticed guns laying around on top of the cabinets and on the walls were targets, probably the bikers idea of fun.

"Want a go?" Nina asked, she was watching me observe the room and probably noticed my facial expression when I realised there were guns.

Usually I would say no but something in me made me want a try.

"Here." Nina passed me a small handgun and pulled me so I was facing the target, a fair distance from it but close enough that I would hit it.

Nina stood behind me and adjusted my body. I was struggling to stand straight as I had far too much to drink and as had she, Nina was almost using me as a way of supporting her self standing.

Jess was sat in the sofa taking sips out of the vodka, her eyes wide as she was mesmerised by what I was about to do.

"Stand straight but relax, put your arm out like this and lay your finger gently over the trigger." Nina adjusted me a bit more and then told me to give it a go.

I focused and took a few breathes and relaxed. I pulled the trigger and my body jolted back slightly as the bullet relived itself from the gun. It landed itself directly above the centre of the target and my eyes widened at how close I was.

"Jesus Christ girl, you done this before?" Nina asked in shock.

"No never, can I have another go?" I pleaded. I was desperate to try again to see if I could get the centre.
Nina nodded her head and leaned against the couch as she observed. Jess had now drunk half the bottle of vodka and her mouth was wide open in awe.

I positioned myself again and pulled the trigger. No fucking way.

"No fucking way." I said in shock. I smiled and then let out a light laugh as I was pretty pleased with myself.

"The nurse is a fighter that's for sure. More practice and you could be working for us in no time." Nina gave me a hug and I gave her the gun.

I wasn't sure what she meant by working for them but a part of me was interested. It sounded exciting but another part of me was telling me to stay away from the idea as I want to keep my job as a nurse.

I picked up the bottle of vodka and had a large swig before the door swung open. Jax and Ray stormed in, guns in hand and had their guns pointed at all of us.

"Jesus Christ what the fuck is going on in here, we thought we heard guns." Ray said as they both lowered their weapons.

"We were having FUN, you know that thing that you boys never do. And for your information, there were guns because Aubrey had a go at shooting." Nina laughed as she collapsed onto the couch, bottle of vodka in hand.

Ray and Jax looked over at the target I shot at and then both looked back at me. They both looked surprised.

"Ma don't give her a gun, she's a fucking nurse." Jax spoke coldly.

What was his problem? If I wanted to shoot a gun then I can. I didn't speak up as I was partly afraid of what might happen if I did. Instead I gave him a sharp glare, even that seemed to piss him off.

"Got something to say?" He walked over to me and stood inches away.

"No but I just don't see why it's your issue if I shoot a gun or not." I say coldly as he eyes me up and down.

Nina walked over and moved Jax away. "Leave the poor girl alone, she's not a better aim than you and that's the only reason why you don't like it." Nina spoke.

"Whatever, I'm going to get another beer." Jax stormed out the room and Ray soon followed but before he left, he eyed us all and then nodded his head as I think he found it pretty funny too. He just didn't want to admit it.

"Wow, aren't they a drag." Nina said as she slammed the door.

"Jess do you want a go shooting?" Nina held a gun out to her but Jess shook her head so hard that I was afraid her head might snap.

"No thanks I will probs end up shooting myself if I get hold of a gun." She took a swig of her vodka and so did I.

The night felt like it had only just begun and I didn't seem to remember much before I passed out on the couch beside Jess.

I hope you enjoy this chapter.
What do you guys think of Nina?

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