A Few Drinks

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"I'll just have a vodka and coke please." I ask the waiter politely.

His eyes opened wide at my request and I wasn't quite sure why.

"I'll have the same, thanks." Jess spoke beside me.

I looked around to admire the place and as I did I caught on to the fact that Jess and I were being stared at. As soon as the bikers saw me looking they all turned around or looked away like nothing.

"Jess I think you're getting a lot of attention." I whispered hoping nobody would hear.

"Not just me, you too. I don't think you understand how hot you actually are."

I blushed at her comment as it makes me nervous when people compliment me. I sighed and took the drink the barman has made. I downed the whole thing hoping it would take the nerve off and then proceeded to politely ask the barman for another one.

He wasn't very talkative and it seemed to be a lot quieter in the bar now. Jess and I made conversation as we didn't feel uncomfortable but we felt slightly out of place too.

All of a sudden I saw movement from the corner of my eye and I turned to see two men approaching us. They looked about 30 which is only 5 years older than me but I felt unsteady.

"Hello ladieeess, never seen you two round here before." A tall man with a beard spoke. He had dark brown eyes and long brown hair.

Me and Jess looked at each other before I spoke up and responded.

"Er yeah, we thought we would try a new place tonight, haven't been out for a while..." I kind of whispered the last bit as I wasn't sure how I felt talking to two of the bikers. I'm sure they are really friendly but either way they were all intimidating or looked like they were.

Most of the men were tall and buff or the slightly older ones had a bit of a stomach on them but none the less looked strong.

"Very nice, come and sit with us, you girls look lonely." The man spoke again.

Me and Jess exchanged glances once again and hesitated at the idea.

"Come on we won't bite." The other man standing behind Jess spoke. He wasn't as big as the bearded man.

"Yeah sure." Jess said nervously. I gave her a confused look but she responded with a just role with it kinda look.

She took my hand in a protective manner as I don't think she wanted to be separated even for a second. We walked over to one of the tables in the corner and brought another drink over with us.

"This is Matthew." The bearded man pointed to the guy who was standing next to Jess, "and I'm Meryl, what are your lovely names?" He asked looking at me directly in the eye.

"I'm Aubrey." I looked over at Jess

"Jess." She spoke quietly. This was severely unlike her, if she acts shy and afraid then I know somethings up.

"So..." Meryl leaned closer to me and slowly started putting his hand on my thigh, his other arm draped round my shoulders "How long will you be staying tonight..." he leaned in and tried to kiss me and I tried to dodge it.

Meryl gave me a funny look and tried again but wouldn't stop. I panicked and before I knew it my first flew into his face. He fell backwards off his chair and landed on the ground.

"Aubrey!!!" Jess cries out.

I was in total shock from  what I just did, Meryl was bleeding from his nose and holding his hand up to his face.

"Oh my god I am soooo sorry, I-I panicked and-"

"You little bitch." He shouted.

The whole bar fell silent and everyone's eyes were on me.

"Haha jeeez Meryl, a chick just handed your ass to you." A younger man said.

Meryl gave him a dirty look and he didn't say anything else. He got up quickly on his feet and I neared towards the wall trying to move out of his way but he was coming straight for me.

He grabbed hold of my shoulders and pinned me against the wall. At this point my adrenaline was pumping so fast that I wasn't even scared, just ready to defend myself at the next chance.

I was breathing so heavy and everyone was looking. This is definitely in my top ten most awkward moments.

"I don't usually lay hands on women, but maybe I will have to make an exception for you, the fuck you think you are." He spat in my face.

I tried to look away but it was hard when he was inches away.

"Leave her alone brother." Matthew spoke from behind him. I half prayed that Meryl would listen but I wasn't sure my prayers were going to be answered tonight.

"Yes Meryl, leave the girl alone who just smacked you up and embarrassed you in front of the whole club." A different voice from behind him spoke.

I couldn't see who it was but he didn't sound nice and I suddenly saw a change in Meryl's expression.

He leaned in closer to me and whispered "this isn't over bitch."

I didn't make eye contact and instead looked to the floor with a stern look on my face. He removed his body from me and walked back over to the bar.

The racket started up again and everyone was back to how they were before the commotion.

I looked over at Jess but she made wide eyes and tilted her head slightly indicating for me to look somewhere.

I turned to head to what she was signaling at and a young man, probably around 28 was staring at me. He was tall and muscly, wearing a leather jacket like every other man in here. Shit. He was part of them too, I didn't wanna fuck with them again. He was wearing jeans and dirty black boots but he stood staring and didn't take his eyes off me and neither did I off him.

He was attractive. Dark messy hair, piercing grey eyes. His jawline was immaculate I wondered how a persons facial structure could even look like that. He had tattoos on his neck and I imagine they were else where too.

"Are you going to stop staring and say thank you as I saved your ass."
He spoke, oh god he was speaking to me.

I looked down, unsure of whether to say thank you or not but my morals got the best of me.

I cleared my throat and a small "thank you." Stumbled out my mouth.

I looked back over at Jess and she was making eyes saying she wanted to leave.

"I think it's time we went Jess, don't you?" I hopefully asked.

"Yeah let's..." she replied shyly.

She got up started to walk away and I attempted to follow her before my arm was grabbed and I was forced to turn around. Oh god.

"Ever throw shit like that again in my bar... I'll fucking kill you..." he smiled sadistically and I knew he meant it. I slowly nodded my head and then ripped my arm out of his grip which surprised him.

I wasn't that scared of him and I had the feeling he wasn't going to kill me right there and then in fear that my blood would ruin his precious little bar.

I turned around and didn't look back even though I felt all eyes on me. I exited the bar and Jess and I decided to walk home.

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