Spare Me! ღ | ✨ and a lil ** if you squint

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Oct 8th, 2015

A/N: I'm sorry for not posting, I've been dealing with some personal things and I just needed a small break from everything. I'm trying to post as soon as possible so just give me time I will get to your request :)


"This is really inappropriate," You say whilst trying to fight an oncoming grin, "Especially for children." Leo snickered and shot you a smirk that could make almost any girl want to slap him, "There isn't anything wrong with us play fighting. We do it all the time so it's completely appropriate." You scoffed and turned your head to glance around. "Yes, it's completely appropriate to "play fight" while were both in swimsuits on the camp's beach while others are walking around. Perfectly safe, I have no idea why didn't think of it before. It's genius really." Sarcasm was clear in your voice as you stared up at Leo who had his knee resting in a space between your legs and his arms on either side of you to pin you down to the sand and to hold himself up. "Your mouth is against it but then why does your eyes say differently?" He questioned slyly with a raised brow. You stifled a laugh and looked up at him challengingly, "Because you have bad morning breath, Hammer Head." He pouted and puffed out his lips while leaning down to kiss you, You giggled and twisted around in resist, "No, spare me!" You twisted some more and were- unfortuantley- Met by Leo's very bad "morning breath" mouth on yours. You scruched up your nose and pulled back from the kiss, " How about some mints? Would you like a mint?" His face went from the "since we kissed I'm attempting to be sexy" look to him laughing at your comment and hiding his face in your neck.

"Um is that much PDA allowed regularly?" You both snapped up into sitting position and looked for the sound, "Oh shisct..."

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