Grandma Knows Best ♥ |✨

42 1 0

Dec 30th, 2019

A/N: Bet you thought I was done with the christmas writings. WRONG! I'm a slut for happy families and new relationships blossoming at christmas parties -Danny

Words: 880

Warnings: None!

Request: Hey 👋🏻 how are you? I don't know if your requests are open but if they are could you maybe write something about the reader having a huge crush on Leo and she's all shy and stuff. She invites him over for Christmas because she doesn't want him to be alone at the camp over the holidays. Leo's all confident when she meets the readers family (funny and great with little cousins/siblings too) but he gets all flustered when her granny asks if they are together. Rest is up to you :)

Y/N was ecstatic, when she asked Leo to spend the holidays with her she never thought he would say yes. Of course, it was the intention but Leo tends to lie in order to not be "a burden" so she was quite surprised when Leo agreed to go with her without making up excuses.

When they arrived home Leo was nothing but charming, her mom loved him and her dad made a thousand jokes that Leo replied to with even more puns and though it was hell for the rest of them for the both of them it was like they had just found a new best friend.

When he met her siblings it was also like a weight less on her shoulders, he had a talent to make everyone laugh, she wondered why back at camp they all acted like his jokes where dumb while outside people would end up breathless from all the laughter. It was nice, Leo really looked comfortable around her family, she was happy (except when one of her siblings gave her a knowing look, fully aware of her crush on the guy).

"I think after this my family will adopt you and leave me at camp," Y/N jocked.

"Oh don't worry, I'll take you with me inside my suitcase," He replied, smirking.

"That's a relief," She snorted, "but really, I'm happy you're having a good time, my family likes you a lot"

"I like your family a lot," Leo smiled, "they're all so nice, and funny. They remind me of you a lot, I get why you're so cool now"

"Thanks," Y/N blushed slightly, "we should uh, go back to the kitchen, my grandma just got here"

"Grandma L/N?" Leo raised his brow, "This should be interesting, I bet she's gonna end up giving me all the best presents cause I'm so amazing"

"Shut up, Mr cool," The girl chuckled, "come one, move"

When they walked into the room most of her cousins and siblings were there to say hi to grandma, she was standing in the middle, hugging and wearing the biggest smile, like always. When it was her turn to say hi, Leo was right next to her.

"Hi, Granny!" Y/N hugged her tightly, "I've missed you!"

"My Y/N/N!" She beamed, "you're so big! And so beautiful!"

"Just like you," Y/N grinned, "Granny, this is Leo! He's come to spend the holidays with me"

"Oh," Her grandma eyed him up curiously, taking his hand, "well, but what a handsome young man! Are you taking care of my Y/N?"

"Of course, Ma'am," Leo smiles politely, "it's nice to meet you, Y/N talks a lot about her family back at camp"

"I wish she would talk about her beloved camp with us too!" Her grandma exclaimed, "That way we would've found out she's got such a nice boyfriend earlier!"

"Grandma!" Y/N gasped, blushing completely.

"Oh, ha," Leo stammered, "I... I'm not- I'm"

"They're not dating mom," Y/N's mother spoke up, "he's a friend from camp"

"Is he?" The elderly woman raised a brow, intently looking at Y/N, "Well that's too bad, you too would be beautiful together"

"Thanks Grandma," Y/N groaned, passing a hand through her face.

"You better get to work, young man," Your Grandma pointed to Leo, "you won't find a better girl in the world"


"T-Thanks, Mrs L/N" Replied Leo, just as embarrassed as her.

The woman walked out of the place, followed by most of the family. Leo and Her were the last people left there.

"I am so sorry," Y/N apologized immediately, "my grandma is the typical woman that tries to play cupid with anyone"

"I think she's right," Leo interrupted her.


"We would make a great couple," He smiled playfully, "I mean, she's older... that means she's also wiser, right?"

"What?" She repeated, this time laughing, "What are you saying?"

"I'm saying, that I would love to take out on a date," The boy said, so embarrassed she barely recognized that's her friend.

"Ah," Y/N felt her mouth dry, her mind blank of any logical thoughts, "I... I think-"

"You know what? You're right that's dumb, you don't wanna go out with me," Leo rambled, turning away, "of course you don't, look at you you have a great family and you're beautiful, you'd never-"

Y/N grabbed his shoulder and made him turn to look at her, giving him a quick peck on the lips to stop his rambling.

"I would love to go on a date with you," She whispered, "but uh, let's keep it a secret for now?"

Leo comes out of his daze to look at her with a frown.


"Cause if we tell them, my siblings will most definitely try to give you lectures and my dad will stop thinking you're so funny"

"Yeah. Okay, how about we keep it a secret forever?"

"I think not!" A voice said from the doorway, making both of them jump.

"Fuck," Y/N mumbles, watching as her younger sibling runs over to the living room, screaming the news.

"Alright then," Leo said, passing a hand through his hair, "I'm about to die"

"Happy last Christmas, Leo"

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