Te Amo, Se Agapó, I Love You (Poly!Lercy) ღ |✨

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Jun 14th, 2017

ask : um, I'm polysexual so I was wondering if you could write a poly! Leo x Percy x reader fic?


Lercy is one of my main fuckin brotps and any ship in the fandom is deadass a okay w/ me so I'm living 110%

warning : the ending is prob shit I'm sorryyy

Soft, quick breaths filled the silence of Poseidon's cabin at the early hour of two in the morning. Gripping the sheets in your fists, you tried shaking the nightmare out of your head, with little success. The edge of your vision became black, fading and unfading in a rhythm. Cursing, you clutched your head. "Y/N, you alright?" Familiar, warm hands gripped your sides with a soft touch, and you sighed, rubbing your eyes.

"Just peachy, repair boy. You'd think the nightmares would be gone by now." A forced chuckle escaped your lips, as you laid back down, facing the tired eyes and bedhead curls of one of your boyfriends', Leo Valdez. A soft smile spread across his lips, as his hand brushed away the loose strands of (h/c) hair out of your eyes. A strong arm wrapped itself away from your waist, and leaned back, flicking on the lamp beside Percy's bed.

"Nightmares? What about?" Percy, your other boyfriend, asked, laying back down, tired, sea green eyes focusing on the ceiling. You shook your head, sitting up, allowing both boys to lose their grip on you. Rubbing your eyes, you stared at the blue sheets covering your lap.

"Nothing important. C'mon, let's go back to bed-" Leaning over, you went to switch off the light, so restless sleep could consume you again, but alas, Percy, wide awake now, caught your waist, sitting up, and placing you right on his lap.

"If you're having nightmares about it, it's important." Leo stole the words right from Percy's lips, and Percy shot a soft smile at his smaller boyfriend. You cursed beneath your breath, mad about how similar but different the two boys you were lucky enough to call your boyfriend's were. A shaky breath escaped your lips, thoughts spinning and crashing wildly in your brain.

"I don't-" You paused, your throat suddenly becoming dry. Playing with your bandaged fingers, you let your head fall, an act of defeat Leo and Percy knew you made, and not too often. "I don't want to talk about it, okay?" You croaked, tears threatening to spill. Leo sat up, crawling over, and both boys buried you in a hug that trapped you on all sides. A wave of warmth rushed over you, soft and reassuring.

You smiled and buried your hands in the nape of both boy's hair, resulting in a shaky breath from Leo, and a sharp inhale from Percy. A laugh escaped your lips, airy and light, before Leo's head lifted from the warm embrace. "I love you guys." A tired, lopsided smile spread across his face. Percy whistled, a sharp sound, before, he smiled at the both of you.

"I love the both of you too." Percy mumbled, and you smiled, wrapping your arms around the shoulder's of both boys. Not needing to speak, you pressed a kiss on each boy's cheek, before letting your eyelids fall once more.

"Yeah yeah, we all love each other. Can we sleep now?" You plead, and both boys, unable to say no, gladly answered your pleas, Percy's nimble fingers switching the lamp off once more. A tangle of limbs, breaths, and love resided on the blue sheets of Percy's bed, as the three lovers slept peacefully, for the first time in a long time, through the dark of the night.

Waking up, you smiled slightly, as Percy's soft snores tickled the back of your neck, and Leo's nimble fingers were loosely wrapped around your waist, the two boys trapping you their embrace. Managing to wiggle out of their embrace, you looked at the time.

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