chapter seven

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*two-bit p.o.v*

" Hey two, hand the remote for me, will ya" said ponyboy " gettin' mouthy are ya?" I asked " maybe I am" he said and he gave me a sassy grin " you see this soda your brother his gettin' mouthy" I said, soda only grin at me " I can see, and I'm proud of him" soda said, I rolled my eyes at him. " Two give me the remote" said pony getting a little mad, I flench at his tone, I ran over to the remote and I gave it to him and I ran tours darry and I hid behind him " your brother his scary, darry" they all laugh " jes gettin' tough like me" said dally, pony looked up at dally, dally did the same thing, then pony kissed his chin." I love y'all" sais ponyboy. " We love you to, kid" said steve.

It has been another mouth sense johnny haven't come over, we are worry, he's been avoiding dally and pony, every time when we go out the park, and we bump into johnny, it be silent, but johnny wouldn't care if we were there I would walk away from us if we were with ponyboy it happen to dally, when him and pony went out for a walk around the park, pony is worry about johnny, we all are, we don't want him to stay home because of his abusive parents.

* Dally p.o.v*

I was walking in the park by myself, while I was walking through the park I saw johnny sitting on the water fountain, so I decided to walk up to him " well hello there johnnycakes" I said he looked at me and gave me a glare, I was confused why was he glaring at me for, did I do something roung " what the glare for?" I asked, " what do you want?" He asked" I was just walking around the park for a bit, and I will be heading back to bucks, what about you" I said, " I just came out for a breather" he said, there was silence " were have you been?" I asked " a voiding you and ponyboy" johnny yelled " why are you voiding me and ponyboyybo"I asked again " dally I liked you more than a friend, always have, but I wouldn't think that pony had crush on you as well, and it looks like you have the same feelings as pony" he said, I was shocked, because I didn't know that he liked me, and I felt bad " listen johnny, even if me and ponyboy are dating doesn't mean I won't be your friend, and I won't stop hanging around with ya" I said, he looked at me for a minute and he looked away " if I did came back, what would he think" he said, I didn't answer him

" I don't know, bit all I know that he's worry sick about you, all of are" I said, he looked at me " so your telling that pony worry sick about me? " He said, nodded " why don't you go over to his house" I said, he nodded, then he rand off to the curtis house.

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