12- Color Pulse Present

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Eight scrolled through the latest chat logs, stopping to stare at a black and white jpeg of an old-timey photograph.  It depicted a bamboozler-wielding warrior going head to head with a blurred figure wearing a large, golden headpiece. Peral seemed to be convinced Cap'n Cuttlefish and Lieutenant Cuttlefish who "visited grievous losses upon the forces of the enemy" were one and the same.

She squinted at the snoring old squid sitting next to her, then back at the stoic fighter. Riiiggghhhhtttt.

"Hullo my test-taking fellow, I see you've got a thang and lived to tell the tale!"

Flicking her CQ device off Eight grimaced at the eel. Was he here to dissuade her from finding more? She cleared her throat, "Got somewhere to be?"

"No, no. Don't got anywhere to be these days."

Eight wondered if she got up and moved cars he'd follow. Too obvious. Better pick the next station and get off. Hopefully, he'll be gone by the time I get back. Reopening the device she toggled to the G-line.

"Wait, wait. I suppose a young'un like you won't be put out so easily"--He fidgeted in his seat, possibly already regretting his decision--"I can tell ya where the next thang is. If ya do me a favor first, that is."

Groaning, Eight examined the map. As she traveled deeper it only got more complicated. Colorful lines bent and wove with as much order as spilled ink. Elbert's last piece of advice gave a safe path to a thang. Now that there wasn't a new destination on the board she knew she needed directions more than ever. She turned back to Elbert, shoulders slumping in defeat.


They disembarked at central station. The eel slid past the telephone, angling towards a large gray door on the far side of the station. It took the two throwing all their strength at the door for its rusted hinges to grind open. Eight stepped back, wary of the noxious smell wafting from the shadowed room.

"Come on then," Elbert squeezed inside. Sounds of shuffling and bottles clinking together ensued.

"Hold these"

He tossed a frail cardboard box at her, every so often emerging to dump armloads of spray cans inside. She turned her head away, the rank of old paint growing with each bottle. When the pile reached precarious height they teetered back to the train.

"Okay, now boost me up."


A ladder crawled the backside of a car, disappearing over the train's roof Elbert wiggled his empty sleeves for emphasis.

"Bit hard to climb for an eel."

Setting down the box she hoisted him to her shoulder. He almost slipped back down. Though lighter than Eight hypothesized the wiry frame had no friction, slick as swimming in ink. Changing tactics she grabbed handfuls of stripey polo and hauled him over the top, wincing as the shirt stretched in her grip.

"Now go get the box."

Sighing Eight awkwardly climbed, dropping several cans along the way. Cresting the train she almost dropped the whole package.

"By Kraken..."

The Deep Sea Metro had plenty of paint and scribbles scattered about on its otherwise officious steel paneling, but the roof surpassed it all. Stickers mingled with signatures. Loopy swirls and illegible scrawls lay side by side. A rainbow of color overlapped and interleaved. Some bits of graffiti could be decades old, while others painted yesterday. Either way, every centimeter of space had been filled.

Elbert offered her the contents of the box. Eight paused, fingers hovering above one with an Octarian magenta lid.

"Add something. Make your mark, and I'll give your directions."

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