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Sunday morning, my mom told me to pick up some groceries from the market. I would say my parents are concerned about me not getting out much, even in such a beautiful environment, but they seem to have a lot of stress on their shoulders. It's always like this when we move, I understand, though, it's just how life goes.

I took my bike out to ride it. I could've walked, but in this heat the air would be so refreshing. I didn't think I could ever get used to this weather. It was so humid and sticky, unlike in Southern California where it was dry and the wind kept the sweat on your neck cool.

When I passed an ice cream store, I had to skid to a stop. Nothing would be nicer than tasting the sweet cold flavor of ice cream. And at this rate, the warm wind wasn't even enough to help me keep cold.

I tasted the vanilla on my tongue of the ice cream and it sent a refreshing chill down my body. It was the best decision I had made all week. Although, when I suddenly ran into someone I never thought I would, I wanted to have a meltdown. I had lost my new ice cream, the only thing keeping the raging heat in my body down. But when I looked up, that person was Eve.

I became flustered when I saw the mess I had made of her shirt. "I'm so sorry," I said, dipping my head.

"That's alright, Lena. I'm wearing a swimsuit underneath," Eve told me. She started to strip off her ice cream-stained shirt. I didn't think it could get any hotter under the blaring sun, but Eve's body in a bikini was definitely hotter.

"Are you doing anything right now?" Eve asked. I gulped, trying to resist my gaze from moving anywhere but her eyes

I shook my head. I would drop anything just to hangout with her.

"My dad wants me to check our crab traps. Do you want to come with me?"

"Yes," I said a little bit more eager than I had intended. It was my first time being invited somewhere lately. This moment seemed to be the best I've had for the while I've been in Florida. I cleared my throat. Eve didn't seem to recognize how nervous I was, so she continued to lead me along

The two of us went to the nearby docks stretching into the lagoon. There was a small backpack and a chair where Eve must've been when she was dealing with putting in the crab traps before.

"My family sells crab during the Seafood Festival. Have you heard of it?"

I shook my head and sat beside Eve as she started to deal with the traps. I dangled my feet inches above the water while watching her hands work to pull the traps up.

"Early in the summer there's an annual festival with booths and activities centered around seafood and what is caught during this time," Eve explained.

"And your family sells crabs?"

"Exactly." As Eve pulled up one of the crates, I expected to prepare myself to see a giant red crab. Instead, all there was was a tiny one, already beginning to fall through the bottom wire.

I looked over at Eve's displeased face. "Our crabs this season have been lacking when it comes to size. I'm afraid we won't have enough big ones to sell this year."

"I'm sure it's all going to end up working out," I told her, "...and there's always next year."

Eve looked to me with an expressionless face before turning away, "...Yeah." There was a moment of quiet tension as I realized this situation was a lot bigger than I thought it was. I was about to say something until Eve plucked the small crab from the crate.

"Wanna hold it?" Eve dangled it in my direction with a smirk.

I leaned back, trying to avoid the dripping wet crab and its pinchers. "No thanks," I frowned, scrunching up my face.

Eve smiled, "Anyone could tell you're from the city a second after they meet you." She dropped the crab back into the water creating a small ripple.

"Because I hate crabs," I sighed.

She laughed beside me, nudging my shoulder gently, "And just everything about you. The way you dress and your reactions to everything."

I looked down at my flowy summer dress and expensive sandals. Eve was right. Head to toe I probably seemed rich to a small town like this one. 

"How are you feeling about moving and all?" Eve moved onto the next crab trap.

I shrugged, "It's nothing I'm not used to. And the scenery is really tranquil." I looked to Eve, watching as she worked to bringing up the crate. Her ponytail blew in the slight wind and her baby hairs and bangs stuck to the sweat on her forehead. "I kind of love it here," I sighed.

"I'm glad," Eve smiled, still focused on the trap. I don't think she realized how thankful I was for her presence. Just the small action of one person can do so much. Just her invitation to bring up dumb crab traps made my entire week.

"Aye look!" 

I glanced over to Eve who was carrying the dripping crate, getting herself soaked but not caring a bit. Inside was a giant crab. "I told you! This giant crab is great news!"

Eve smiled, "Thanks." Then she giggled a bit, carefully taking the crab out of its cage. I almost fully stood up when she held it out in my direction.

With her same smirking face she said, "Wanna try holding this one~?"

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