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It was almost like a date as me and Eve sat side by side on a bench. She had picked her favorite spot; an isolated bench facing the lagoon before us. The wind from the water brushed back our hair and almost made the boba we got slightly taste like the smell of the lagoon. 

Eve had gotten peach flavor while she insisted I got strawberry. So I did. And I'm so glad I ended up trusting her taste because the strawberry tasted delicious. Not because I was just telling myself it did because Eve liked it. I genuinely loved the flavor.

Eve caught my gaze looking in her direction, "Would you like to try mine? It's better than I expected."

I hesitated a bit, but couldn't refuse as she gestured her cup out to me. I don't think Eve ever realized how flustered she made me. Even now, as we shared an indirect kiss, I was as red as a beat while Eve didn't even bat an eye in care. I guess I was the only one who was insanely awkward... and maybe a bit in love.

"Oh yeah. I should get peach next time," I said after swallowing the sip I had taken.

"I've tried all the flavors. But strawberry will always be my favorite," Eve told me.

I began to hold mine out to her, blush covering my face once again like a hot mess, "You can try mine." My voice was drowned out my the sound of a motor approaching. 

"What was that?" Eve tilted her head. I was about to answer when the motor stopped and footsteps approached us. Part of me was filled with anger when someone had the nerve to interrupt us, especially when I was about to share some of my drink with her.

We had so much more to talk about, until this stupid visitor had to come and take Eve's attention away.

"Hey, Eve," the boy didn't acknowledge me as he took off his moped helmet. His forehead was sweaty and his hair looked dusty from the wind. Even though I tried so hard to look for flaws, I had to admit this boy was pretty cute. It made me so irritated.

He brushed his hair back, leaning into his bike and gazing all over Eve.

"What's up, Milo?" I saw a large grin form on Eve's face. And maybe for the first time, I saw her cheeks slightly blush. Something about it made me sick. It made my heart burn and my head pound. I don't even want to deny how jealous I had become knowing that Eve never looked to me the way she looked to that boy.

"I was actually looking for you," Milo smirked. I wanted to slap that smirk straight off his scum little face.

"Oh really? How come?"

"Tanner's down at the docks. He wants to go to this abandoned treehouse he found. Apparently it's supposed to be really cool."

Eve shrugged, "Mmm, maybe I'll come..."

Milo laughed, "I'm not giving you a choice, Evie."

I was fuming at this point. Not only had they suddenly forgotten all about me, but now they were so blatantly flirting! I wanted to get up and leave. And spill my drink all over Milo's shiny dumb moped and-

"Lena, do you want to come too?" 

My face lit up and a smile formed on my face. Yes I did. I totally did. How could I say no to her. So, I nodded.

"This is Lena?" Milo asked.

"Yeah. She moved here towards the beginning of summer."

"Oh, hey," Milo looked like he was looking to a dead girl. I was invisible to him once Eve was around. It was stupid. I wanted Eve to feel that way with me and forget all about Milo.

I waved, forcing a smile in his direction. 

"Eve and I have known each other since we were little. It's nice she's finally finding some actual friends," Milo teased. Not to me, even though that was directed to me, but more to Eve. Because I was suddenly invisible once again. And when Eve got up from the bench to push Milo around, I really realized that sometimes my fantasies won't ever come true. I will always just be the "friend".

"Hop on," Eve told me.

She directed me to the moped where we all piled on. I wasn't sure what to feel. Jealousy as Eve held on to Milo ahead of her, or glee as I held on tightly behind Eve. 

On the moped, we only had to go mile down the rode to get to the dock. It was the same dock I had been on before crabbing with Eve.

A boy was there working on the rope attached to a long canoe. I guessed that was Tanner, the boy who was going to take us to this treehouse Milo talked about. I wasn't thrilled on going there, but as long as I got to be beside Eve, I was happy.

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