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The boys were hanging out at the dock. We were all quiet as I sat next to them, still a little bit shaken and heart broken after Eve left. 

"Hey," I said quietly, trying not to break the mood that had been created. The melancholy feeling in the air was unavoidable, creating a heavy feeling in my chest.

"Hey, Lena," Tanner spoke, his voice was soft and slow. Emotionless as he sat staring into the lagoon beneath us.

We all stayed silent for a bit. But I reminded myself why I had really come to visit them in the first place. They were part of my summer too and my feelings weren't fully let go of if I didn't let them all out. I couldn't let anything slide unfinished.

"I- um- actually wanted to talk to you guys. About Eve," I became embarrassed, like usual whenever her name entered the air. But she only seemed like a memory now.

The boys turned to me. Mostly Milo after I spoke of her. Right. He loved her too.

"Ever since I met Eve and got acquainted with her," I gulped, trying to push back whatever anxiety I felt, "Well, uh, I had fallen in love with her."

Tanner stayed unfazed like I had expected, but Milo's eyes began to widen, "You... fell in love with her?"

"Yeah. I did," I nodded, "But I'm letting those feelings go. And I'm not blind. I know my dreams with her will never come true." Milo stayed silent, maybe a bit stunned but surely curious for an explanation. "But I- well, I know you love her too Milo."

Milo looked like he wanted to say something as his lips parted slightly, but nothing left his lips. So continued, "And I know... Eve loves you back."

"You both already know I'm leaving at the end of the summer. I'm sure you don't care as much as when Eve did, but I still need to say a few things. You were both still part of my summer after all." 

"So I," I cleared my throat, "-I want you both to take care of her and treat you both the best you can. Especially you, Milo. I can never do that myself, and I am so pained by it. So please," I looked down wiping away a tear that suddenly started to fall, "please do what I can not. She needs that support so much."

What I didn't expect was a hug. A hug from Milo as he squeezed me so tight. And after that, a hug from Tanner as well. That's when I begun to sob. I sobbed harder than I had in front of Eve that day because I wanted to be strong. But now, I remembered what I told her a while ago. That it's okay to be sad. So that's what I did. And I was comforted. And I was disappointed in myself to being so blind to these friends I had in front of me this whole time.

"I promise I'll take care of her," Milo whispered. His voice was shaky and I realized he was crying a bit too.

"I promise too," Tanner said in my other ear, "And we'll take care of the treehouse."

I smiled a bit at that, still crying yet happy I had them before me. Those words were enough to reassure me. And that was all that needed to be said. My feelings were fulfilled and supported and I begun to ask myself why I had been so scared to just be honest.

The next day I left Florida with my mom and dad. We would never come back. I didn't want to come back anytime soon. Maybe when I got older I would search for Eve and greet her once we've grown. But I doubt she'd remember me. Part of me hopes she doesn't. Even now, Eve was already turning into a memory. 

But I wasn't as sad as I thought I would be. The truth was, I had mentally already left this town and everything in it. I had left when Eve left. My summer had been over for a while now and I excepted that. 

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