"Taboo! Talk about what you don't talk about. Welcome to taboo. My name is Sophie. A few years ago I saw a documentary in which a prostitute had a client who was into wearing diapers. So he really slipped into the role of a baby and let her take him in her arms, let her take care of him. Yes, and in the end, among other things, she always changed his diaper. And somehow that got into my head in such a way that I felt such a crazy curiosity about the subject. I always wanted to learn more about this tendency, but a diaper fetish is just really a taboo subject and unfortunately there a only a few who want to talk about it.
But, finally, today is the day. I'm about to meet Anton and he loves to wear diapers. Of course I want to know in which situations he wears diapers? And how far sex is linked to his fetish?"
A diaper fetish? There are people who feel sexual arousal when they wear diapers? How weird is that!!!
Admittedly: It is weird. It's so weird that many of these people suffer from it. Not from the fetish itself, but from its side effects based on the fact that it's considered weird, maybe even gross, by most other people.
I'm one of them. And as I listened to the podcast that started like this, I got a little angrier with each passing minute. It seemed so unfair to me what kind of questions a diaper fetishist has to put up with. Not just from the woman on the podcast, but especially from myself. Because as much as I love diapers, I love women. I'm one of all these "normal" people who naturally have questions when someone tells them they love diapers. How does that happen? What went wrong there? There are diapers for adults? What do they look like? Do you use them too? What exactly do you like about diapers?
With this little text I would like to try to answer some of these questions, but not in the way others have tried over and over again. But through a small, perhaps somewhat uncomfortable experiment that suddenly came into my mind during the interview. I would like to hold a mirror up to you. Namely, I believe that there is no difference at all between my love of diapers, my sexuality with diapers, and any other kind of sexuality. There is only one sexuality. The "normal" sex between men and women is just so deeply anchored in us, it has become so natural to us, that we don't even think of asking all these questions we have about diaper fetishists to those who have completely ordinary sex. Because if we did, we'd probably notice that even then we don't have any answers that explain everything, but that sex in general is one big mystery.
And, yes, I know that there is no such thing as normal sex. The term serves merely as a demarcation from what has been proven not to be ordinary sex with diapers.
When I started to follow the interview as if that's what was happening in it, when I started to reformulate the questions and their answers in my mind's eye as if they weren't being asked of a diaper fetishist, but of an ordinary young man who has a heart for women, two things happened: first, the interview became highly amusing in parts, and second, it opened up a whole new perspective on human sexuality for me.
Because of this, and because the interview is quite entertaining when reworded this way, I'd like to share it with you below. So once again from the beginning...
you are not that different
Non-FictionWhen I heard a podcast in which a diaper fetishist was asked about his passion, I thought to myself, what would actually happen if I rephrased the questions as if they were asked of an ordinary, heterosexual man who doesn't have a fetish. And I real...