"But, to go back to the question anyway: How did you then get to this community or on the Internet to the point of realizing that there was this propensity? Or was it already clear to you for a very, very long time? Was it always clear to you that others have this, others live this."
"Yes, it was clear to me from my teenage years. That what gives me something, other people must also appreciate. There must be others. And, yes, with the Internet, that then happened pretty quickly. If you enter the right search terms, you come across pages where people talk about it. That happened to me when I was about 16 or 17 years old. And then I dived right into the scene pretty quickly. I got into it right away and wanted to do something myself, so I set up my own little site with over 500 members. I then managed it for a few years."
Well, what else can I say about the Internet? It's full of sex. At the latest there you will realize that diaper fetishists don't behave any different than anyone else. There are the typical Doctor Sommer corners where concerned people have honest questions, there are sites where people try to meet each other in real life, and most of all there are sites full of pornography that, because of their sheer volume, make it hard to find the other sections.
And yet, in this section of the interview, it becomes clear again how unfair it is that we have to face such questions. Has anyone ever had to answer the question of how exactly it came about that they discovered the inclination to want to have sex with the opposite sex? No, of course not. That is "normal". But do it. Try to answer this question for yourself. Why do you like the opposite sex? The following answers are forbidden, because they don't explain anything: Because I am a man/woman. Because that's what nature intended so that we can reproduce.
Believe me, to despair of this question is to doubt oneself. Our sexuality is so intimately interwoven with us, defining such an incredibly large part of us that we just don't usually notice because it's so normal. Moreover, a very small part of our sexuality, the sexual act itself, is so over-represented in how we feel and think that we don't even attribute most of the things we do to our sexuality. But when you step out of line, when your sexuality does not fall within the boundaries of normal and you are not at peace with yourself, then you suddenly feel how great the influence of our sexuality on our lives really is.
However, it must be said that this section of the interview is only funny because nowadays we know the Internet and know to look there once if there is something that is of interest to us.
I'm still of the generation that didn't have the Internet and the natural way to use it, including the knowledge that you can find just about anything on the Internet. When I grew up, unlike Anton, I was not only not sure that there were others who felt the same way I did. No, on the contrary, I was completely sure that I was the only one in the whole world who was so perverted. And that's why I'm grateful that the Internet exists, because it helped me discover that I'm not alone.
you are not that different
Literatura faktuWhen I heard a podcast in which a diaper fetishist was asked about his passion, I thought to myself, what would actually happen if I rephrased the questions as if they were asked of an ordinary, heterosexual man who doesn't have a fetish. And I real...