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After we fly out of that cursed place, Cid makes another long trip announcement. That means we'll have an all night trip. Bugenhagen at first wanted to stay on the deck, but then decided to move to the cockpit so that I could stand outside in peace. The wind tugs at my hair, my clothes, and the freezing night air makes my cheeks and nose turn bright red. The freshness around me raises my mood and make me more awake. I've had too many nightmares from just sleeping in the past few weeks, I need to start staying up again.

How many times must you make me cling to something dangerous just because it feels good?

I must do something to make you not so miserable. Your mood effects my strength, you know.

"Yeah, okay," I scoff. Now that I'm alone, I don't have to have an inner battle.

Why is that so hard to believe?

"You're a demon."

And you're a human. Is there a difference? We all do both evil and good.

"Too true."

"You know, I heard taking to yourself is a sign that you're crazy." I jump and turn to see Tifa smiling at me gently. Ugh, I still don't like her.


"Don't apologize," she waves me off, joining me by the rail. "Cloud's sorry for knocking you over, by the way."

"Okay." She smiles and rolls her eyes.

"You and Vincent are so alike sometimes, you know that?"

"Hardly ever," I correct. She shrugs.

"So? I think you'd be cute together!"

"... What's that supposed to mean?" I raise an eyebrow.

"I really want this ship to sail, ya know?" She turns so that her back is to the railing.

"No, I don't."

"Oh cmon, Violet. You might be a little bad at socializing with people, unless you're either insulting them or you're with Vince, but you're not stupid. You don't feel anything for Vincent at all?" I roll my eyes and look down at the ground we pass over. Who couldn't?

"Why do you ask?" I avoid her question.

"You mean you haven't noticed? Shiva, Vi, you are oblivious." At my scowl, she continues. "He's always watching out for you, always staring at you, always trying to make sure that you're gonna be safe. I think he likes you!" Are we really 13 again?

"If it has anything to do with attraction, which I doubt it does, it's only because I remind him of my sister and how didn't save her and all that jazz. Nothing to do with me." My voice sounds more bitter than I'd like it to, but I write it off as my annoyance at Tifa for being nosy.

Violet Shadows (FF7)Where stories live. Discover now