23) Sephiroth

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I don't bother to shut my door as I hurry in, reaching toward my side table and unfolding the paper quickly.

Dear Violet,

I don't know if I'll ever see you again in order to give you this letter, but I decided to write it anyway. I don't know where to begin, honestly, so I'll jot things down as they come to mind.

I'm so sorry for the experiments; what was running through my mind wasn't to hurt you. It was to try and forget that you were my little sister and to go ahead with the experiments. The sacrifice you made was not and will never be forgotten. Vincent didn't forget, I didn't forget, Professor Hojo could never stop being bothered by how noble of an act it was, even though he kept it secret. I don't expect you to try to understand, knowing your stubborn personality, but I only wish for you to know the truth.

I can see a great many things from here in these caves; the planet shows me a lot through the mako. I believe it was good for you to join Avalanche and repair the wounds that have built up over the years through fellowship. It was good for you to find the man you've been looking for for the past few façades, despite the wrong he did us both, which is so small in amount, I don't expect you to remember. How could you not?

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