29) Reeve

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Something roars and I turn to see Galian Beast leaping up toward the chopper. He rips at the metal plating and such before dropping down, the Dragonfly swinging around the whole town, firing at us. I flip out of the way of the missiles and fire at the machine again. Ruka yelps and hides behind a fruit stand. Smart animal.

I fire once more before an explosive sent my way throws me off, making me land awkwardly on my leg. Ouch... Three more missiles soar toward me, but something picks me up by the back of my shirt and runs out the way, dropping me in a heap. Thanks Galian. The beast observes me with gently golden eyes before glaring at the aircraft and sending Beast Flare its way. The intense heat causes parts of the helicopter to melt.

Down from under the wings drop two groups of soldiers on threes, all armed with guns. I spot the barrels behind them and summon Sacrifice, firing at them and causing them to blow up both groups of soldiers. Suddenly, the Dragonfly swoops low, preparing all of it's missiles for fire. Galian races across the ground toward me, scooping me up and making a mad dash for an open house nearby just as the explosives blow up behind us. Ruka...

That dog can survive anything, host.

True... Did I use up all your energy already?

Yes.. I need my rest, and last night took quite a bit out of me.

I sigh as Galian drops me by a wall, the quietest and probably most intelligent demon of Vincent's watching me with his tilted head while he sits like a dog, waiting for me to catch my breath. I look down at my leg and grimace at the obviously broken bone, shivering when I feel Galian's breath fan over me. I look up with my eyebrow raised, the monster staring me back in the eye, the words being sent without his lips moving. Demon telepathy.

"You're wounded much."

"I guess," I shrug, tensing when I feel his rough tongue licking at the injury on my neck. Ew... "Ow, that stings."

"It will heal quicker this way. The host is sleeping, it does not matter what I do."


"Yes, I have allowed him to rest for a while I fight alongside his mate."

"His what?" I blush. He draws away to make eye contact again.

"Are you not his?"

"Humans don't work like that," I shake my head. He goes back to licking. "They leave after a while. Always."

"I see. My apologies."

I sit in silence, occasionally wincing when one of Galian's large teeth brush my skin, not causing any damage but feeling strange all the same. When he finishes being some weird animal nurse, the monster closes his eyes.

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