32) Shinra Mansion

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I grimace as we drop into the sewer, the air smelling absolutely wretched and greenish water coming up to my ribs, not helping my hydrophobia. I cling to Vincent's arm as we wade through the grossness. Suddenly, giant turtles with spears jump out of the pipes and hiss.

"Looks like we're not the only ones here," he mutters, shooting down the two nearby. We fight the monsters through the sewer until we come to a room with a pool of sorts, the turtle like creatures dropping from the ceiling everywhere. We shoot them down, making me grimace when the green blood splatters all over me. It smells like Barret. Which stinks, in case you were wondering, like tons of layers of sweat. Gross.

A little further, I manage to escape the green water by a set of stairs, Vincent rolling his eyes when I shudder. Of course, my relief is killed when we have to go back in, crawling under a small space.

"I am so taking a shower after this, I don't care how much water it takes. Swimming in human feces isn't fun."

"For once, I agree with you," he responds flatly. Again, I won't bore you with the details of the rest of our trek through the nastiness. We come to a ladder and climb up silently, Vincent shooting down a Deepground soldier before pulling me up despite my ability to climb ladders. Okay, so I slip. That doesn't mean he has to baby me! We fight off more soldiers, me beginning to wonder why so many of them are here. He said some were stationed, not hundreds. Into the lift we go, still being shot at. The back of the elevator opens and we head out that way, Vincent having an easier time than me with avoiding bullets.

On the next floor, we impatiently wait for the elevator doors to open, my heart rate getting slowly faster the closer we get to the actual interior of the mansion. I bounce on my toes impatiently, Vincent watching me boredly while we wait for the lift to come. It finally does and we climb in carefully, me not trusting the obviously old technology. It creaks loudly as we go up, and the next area is suspiciously quiet. We head across the bridge only for the door in front of us to slam.

"Let me guess," I huff, walking to the way we came. "Yup," I confirm as the door slams down. The wall separates, Deepground recruits running along the shelf and shooting at us rapidly. I hiss as bullets from every side pierce my body, messing up my aim and causing my head to grow light from blood loss and my knees to give way, leaving me crouched behind a crate with my weapon lying inches away. Shadow... What are you doing?

This is what happens when you stick your nose where it does not belong.

Get me killed?!

Not killed, just punished. Of course, it's starting to worry Valentine.

Yeah, right. Like he cares.

He does, though you may not see it. He just does not know how to deal with the guilt he feels over his 'sins'. Of course, being himself, he does not seem realize what guilt is. He thinks of it as mere pain, punishment for what he did to you and your sibling.

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