Chapter 13

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Spencers P.O.V

After Investigating the scene, you rode with Emily, JJ, and Derek back to the station while Hotch and Rossi went with two officers to the prison and try to figure out how Cat got out. Derek was driving and JJ was seated in the passenger seat beside him leaving you and Emily to the back. You were extremely concerned for y/ns safety and you could tell Emily was worried too. Emily had grown close to y/n even though she's spent less than 24hours with y/n she had connected with her. After about 10 minutes of driving Derek pulled into the parking lot of the station and he and JJ quickly hopped out and started walking inside, Emily didn't budge so you slowly moved your hand and placed it on her shoulder.

"You ok Em?" you asked gently

"I Uh... Yeah... sorry just spaced out for a minute" she said as she went to open the door


"Yeah Spence?"

"I can tell you're not ok... do you want to talk about it...?"

Emily stood staring at you for a moment before slowly sitting back into the car and closing the door.

"How are you so calm and collected right now...?" She said with a small strain in her voice

"The truth is Em no matter how badly I wanted to she didn't want to connect with me, you on the other hand... you clearly care about her and you guys connected in the hospital..."

"The only reason she didn't want to connect with you is because she's scared spence... everyone in her life was either in prison or didn't "care enough about her to be there for her" and I know that's not what happened but that's what she thought happened her whole life so now she's scared to get close to anyone"

"But Emily, she got close to you..." Emily stayed silent

"She wouldn't share those things with JJ... she shared everything with you because she saw you as someone she could trust."

"But why?"

"To be honest Em im not sure but somehow she felt she could trust you... and now we're gonna use everything she told you to get her back..."

"How can you be so sure we're going to get her back?"

"Because I know you and I know our team... and I know that nobody on this team is going to stop until y/ns ok and until you're ok..." you said in a reassuring tone. Emily didn't say anything after that she just smiled and gave you a quick nod before hopping out of the car and walking into the station with you following shortly behind her.

y/n's P.O.V

you woke up and your whole body ached, you couldn't remember much of anything like where you were or how you got here you also couldn't see much of anything as there seemed to be a blindfold of sorts covering your eyes but what you could see out of the bottom of the blindfold It looked like you were in a big cement room like a garage or a warehouse or a basement, none of which sounded especially "relaxing". your hands and feet were bound to the metal chair you were sitting in and the room was eerily quiet.... No cars racing by, no animal noises, no wind. Just silence... while you were sitting there trying to figure out what happened you started to hear footsteps coming toward the chair.

"y/n." The voice said flatly. It was definitely a man's voice but not one you recognised. You didn't respond to the voice but then he repeated himself

"Y/N." This time he was much louder and much more stern you still didn't respond. After a few seconds the man pulled off my blindfold and you could finally see where you were. It was a large cement room with a bunch of wooden crates and in front of you there was a white folding card table. When you finally got a good look at the man you almost instantly recognised him, He was one of the guards at your moms prison. He's the one who would let you in for your visits, For a moment you thought he was there to help that was until you noticed he wasn't untying you he was just... staring. But what could he want with you? You barely knew him... And that's when you put the pieces together, It wasn't him that wanted you. He could care less about you, it was Cat... He was the one who helped her escape and now he was replacing you in helping her get her revenge.

"So we just going to sit in silence because if that's your plan im sure your mom has some other Ideas." he said menacingly as he sat down opposite me

"You know y/n, she really misses you. She was so upset when you didn't come to visit she decided she'd come find you herself"

"Oh really cause i'd love to see her... officer" You said with a smirk trying to show him he didn't intimidate you

"She's pretty busy right now... you kind of put her in a tough place you know with telling the FBI her whole plan and all"

"Well you know, she kinda put me in a tough place too, with the whole threatening to kill me and giving me major mommy and daddy issues thing so... I think we're even."

"Oh no no no, y/n she doesn't want to kill you! She just wants to make sure you know who actually cares about you here because I can assure you Spencer Reid does not care about you and he neve-!"

"Andrews stop!" a loud female voice cut him off from the back corner of the room. I recognised it in an instant

"Mommy Dearest." I said my voice thick with sarcasm

"y/n I missed you when you didn't come to our last visit" she said as she untied my hands from behind my back

"Sorry I got a little caught up with everything and didn't really have time."

"What'd you get caught up with...? Was it maybe... now correct me if i'm wrong... Emily Prentiss?" she said as she tossed down a bunch of surveillance photos of Emily in what looked to be her home, her car, and then some of her in the hospital with you. Your jaw dropped and you were unable to hide your obvious fear for Emily.

"Ding Ding Ding! Points for mom! She is a very pretty woman... it'd be a shame if something were to happen to her..." Cat said as she lazily dragged her finger along Emily's photos

"What do you want mom?" you asked in as strong a tone you could yet your voice still sounded weak.

"For you to finnish what you started with me."

"Well mom there seems to have been a change of plans..."

"It appears there has... but not the change you think."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, that Emily woman seems to be getting in the way of our original plan so I decided I need to get her out of the way before we can finnish the plan and take care of Spencer together."

"Leave Emily alone mom!"

"Oh someone seems a little attached" mom started smirking and walking away from the table

"Mom! Leave her alone she has no part in this!"

"Oh correction she had no part in this, that was until you brought her into it." and with that Andrews put your blindfold back on and your Mother began walking away.

"MOM LEAVE EMILY ALONE!" You yelled to her as you heard a door shut. After a few moments, you knew she must've left and you assumed Andrews went with her leaving you alone to sit in silence and all you could think about was Emily... and if she was gonna be ok...

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