Chapter 1

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"There was yet another murder last night, police are saying not one but 3 victims were murdered here last night. The only things left on the scene were a necklace and a note reading B.A.U" the news reporter stated. The sound of the tv faded away into the

"So... Is he coming?" asked your mother. Her name is Cat Adams notorious for her work as hitman Miss 45 and her standoff with the F.B.I agent who arrested her, Dr. Spencer Reid who also happens to be your father.

"Yeah. they actually should be arriving in about an hour," you said

"Oh, I can't wait to see you take him down! And then he'll be right where he belongs." Mother said with a sharp tone

"I have to go. I want to try finding them at the police station see if I can find out what they know, Bye Mom," you said as you grabbed your stuff and stod up to leave

"Bye y/n, Make sure you give Spencie a nice warm Adams welcome for me... " Mom said evilly as you walked out of the visitor room.

On your way out of the prison, you couldn't help but smirk walking past all the guards knowing none of them know what you've done. 5 victims if you count last nights you even got the F.B.I involved, but that was the point wasn't it, to get Spencer here for mom. She seemed almost happy when you told her he was coming and to be honest so were you, you were finally gonna get your father back for everything he did to you and your mom.

Once you got to the police station there were already 4 black SUVs parked out front with Virginia plates, as you were looking at the cars someone came outside and noticed you checking out the plates.

"Can I help you?" the man asked

"Um no, Sorry I just saw the Virginia plates and was curious! Is it the F.B.I?" you said trying to pretend like you didn't know it was them

"Yeah. we're here to investigate the recent string of murders happening here, my name's Derek I'm with the Behavioral Analysis Unit, do you have some information pertaining to the case," he said

"Hi Derek, My names y/n and Um, yeah... I think I might," you said

"Would you mind coming in and telling us what you know?" Derek asked

"Yes, that'd be great!" you say as you start to walk into the station.

Once you enter the station you see two giant boards filled with pictures of the victims, crime scenes, and baggies with the note and necklace you left at the scene. You picked that necklace to leave because it was your mom's and you'd hoped Spencer would recognize it.

"Hey, pretty boy! y/n here thinks she might have so information pertaining to the case would you mind talking to her?" Derek yelled over to a rather tall man standing near one of the boards, It wasn't until he turned around that you realized who it was.

"No, of course not. Hi, y/n my name is Spencer Reid," he said smiling

"Um... Hi, Spencer my Names y/n A-" you paused realizing you cant say your real last name.

"y/n Anderson" you quickly blurted out

"Ok y/n we can go into this room to talk," Spencer said calmingly

You walked into the room and Spencer closed the door, you looked around the room. There was a table and 4 chairs, along with a counter and what seemed to be a coffee machine.

"Please, sit," Spencer said pulling out a chair from the table

"Coffee?" he asked

"Um... Yes, please" you said

"So Derek said you had some information about the case?" spencer said as he handed you your coffee and sat down across from you

"Um... Yeah, I uh... I recognized that necklace they showed it on the news this morning. I think it was the one that Hitwoman Cat Adams was wearing when she was arrested right...?" you said trying to come up with something to say. Once you finished spencer got up and asked someone to grab him the necklace and he pulled up a picture of Cat on his phone.

"Yeah... you're right, How'd you notice that?" he said, puzzled

"Um... I am very observative. And I did a lot of research on the Cat Adams case." you said quickly trying not to be suspicious

"Wow, Good job you should join the F.B.I.," he said laughing

"Is that all?"

"Yeah, that's it. But can I ask one question?" you said

"Of course," he said kindly

"Um, how close do you think you are to catching this guy I know everyone in the city is pretty scared."

"Sadly I don't know whoever he is he's good," Spencer said

"Well... um, thank you for helping catch him," you said standing up and walking toward the door along with Spencer

"No, thank you this new piece of info could be vital to the case!" He said as he opened the door to let you out.

As you were walking out of the station Derek stopped you and handed you a card

"Here take this and if you get any more info you can give one of those numbers a call," Derek said while handing you the card

"Will do, Thank you!" you said as you took the card and left the station

You took the card from Derek and looked it over, it seemed to have the whole team on it along with their numbers.

Aaron Hotchner: xxx-xxx-xxxx

David Rossi: xxx-xxx-xxxx

Dr.Spencer Reid: xxx-xxx-xxxx

Jennifer Jareau: xxx-xxx-xxxx

Derek Morgan: xxx-xxx-xxxx

Emily Prentiss: xxx-xxx-xxxx

Penelope Garcia: xxx-xxx-xxxx

Spencer Reid, you have his number now thanks to that Derek guy.  He was the one to put mom where she is now, he needs to pay for that, and you're gonna be the one to make him do it. 

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