Chapter 5

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You showed up at the prison along with JJ and Derek and talked to one of the guards. He said that Cat has only ever had one visitor and he showed you the sign-in sheet, y/n Adams... you asked to talk to Cat and the Officer walked you back to a waiting room as the moved Cat to another room

"You nervous Spence?" JJ asked sounding concerned

"Yeah, Kid are you sure you want to talk to her?" Derek asked

"We could talk to her for you,"

"No, it needs to be me. You know Cat she won't answer to anyone but me and if we want to find y/n we have to try to get Cat to slip up and..." you say as JJ cuts you off

"She only does that with you..."

A few minutes go by with you JJ and Morgan still in the waiting room when Derek gets a call.

"Hey, Babygirl! You got something?"

Just based on the way Morgan addressed the person on the other side you knew it was none other than Penelope Garcia, The BAUs technical analyst.

"I'm gonna put you on speaker alright momma," Derek says as he switches to speaker

"I just might have hit the jackpot on this one! obviously I started digging in on who we believed to be y/n Adams but nothing came up," Garcia said enthusiastically

"So she's probably living under an alias..." JJ added

"That's what I thought so I started by compiling a list of teenage girls born 15-16 years ago in Virginia which gave me a list of approximately 251 names then I added in some physical features based on what Reid told from me when you guys met her that dropped it to about 112 names which was still way too many! Then I realized I missed the obvious!" Garcia spouted off

"And that is...?" Morgan questioned

"Who here is she obsessed with hurting..." you stated

"And give ten points to boy wonder because right he is! After I made that amazing and obvious realization I added the last name Reid to the search and voila! There was only one name left Cathrine Reid,"

An officer walked out and called you back while Garcia was talking and Morgan said he'd fill you in once you were done with Cat.

"You ready kid?" Morgan asked before you left

"Yeah," you said trying to sound calm but the truth was no matter how prepared you thought you were, you knew no one could ever be prepared for the hell that is Cathrine Adams...

y/n's POV

You woke up to the sound of your phone ringing, when you looked to see who it was the I.D read Virginia Women's correctional facility.

"Mom..?" you said to yourself still half asleep as you answered the phone

"He's here! You did it!! You got him here! He wants to talk to me about you, I'm assuming!" Mother almost cackled out

"Who's there mom? What are you talking about?" you said starting to wake up a little

"Spencies here you idiot who else would it be!" She said almost sounding annoyed, and just as quick as she called she hung up and you sat there listening to the disconnection tone. A few minutes after you hung up you took a shower and ate breakfast, you made some waffles and bacon and then sat and watched true crime docs you always found these interesting as a kid and even joked about them being some psychos inspiration for murder but it looks like you turned out to be that psycho a little while later you picked up a new disposable cell and then drove down to the prison as you were pulling in the lot you saw one black SUV and you knew exactly who it belonged to you parked a few spaces away from it and just watched until you had an idea. You decided to write a note and leave it on the windshield just for Spencie but as you were placing the note you looked around and there was no one nearby so you took out your pocket knife and slashed the tires. Once back at your car you couldn't help but chuckle, yeah what you did was a little childish but it was still kind of funny to be right under the BAUs noses and them still not being able to catch you.

It was about 8:30 pm when you went home and changed for the night when there was a loud knock at your door followed by a familiar voice.


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