Chapter 6

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y/n's POV

You jump the loud and sudden pounding of the door and the yelling of the man behind it. You recognized the voice from the station but didn't know a name, you quickly got up and ran to the window of your apartment, you had to get out of there and fast before they stormed in. You opened your window and ran down the fire escape once you were down the first flight of stairs you heard your door smash open and you knew you had to hurry. You'd never been happier that you were only on the third floor, once you got to the bottom you ran as fast as you could with the adrenaline pumping through your veins. You felt like you could run for hours on end, You ran for about two miles to a park and sat down at a bench under a tree to catch your breath. You looked over at another bench just a few feet down, There was an older man who appeared to be homeless laying on the bench he seemed to be asleep. You got up and began walking toward him. You wanted to send a message to the F.B.I to show it will not be that easy to catch you and this was your perfect opportunity so you strangled him. He put up quite the fight but he was old and weak and you were young and actually quite strong for your stature, after you were sure he was gone you checked his pockets and found a crumpled up business card for a halfway house nearby you took the card and wrote on the back

It's not easy to catch the daughter of a hitwoman and an FBI agent both are very smart and when mixed they can create the most dangerous of people but of course, you know that spencer... don't you!


The Perfect Daughter

You put the note into the man's palm and walked away to find somewhere to stay for the night.

Spencers POV

Your palms were sweating as you walked into the cold cement room, you were not normally this nervous to talk to Cat but this was a whole new thing... you had a daughter, and this... this person was the mother. You sat down at the metal table and waited for Cat, a few seconds later you saw her walking over to the room with a huge evil smile on her face. The guard sat her down at the table and removed the cuffs then left the room.

"Spencie! You came all this way just for me! You must've really missed me. I mean, after all, you haven't seen me in 16 years!" She said with a sarcastic almost happy voice

"I did not come here for you I came here for your daughter she has killed 6 people in the last week," you said sternly yet calmly

"Our daughter!" Cat interrupted with a grin on her face as she reached for your hand, you quickly yanked your hand away and was about to continue what you were saying when Cat cut you off again.

"Oh but I guess it runs in the family, doesn't it... Fathers leaving their very own children behind for their own benefit," her words hit you harder than anything else she's said to you before as you remembered your dad abandoning your mom to raise you on her own.

"I wouldn't have left her if I knew she was mine and I can guarantee I would've been a much better parent then you will ever be!" you snapped back trying not to let it show that her words got to you but you could tell she could see right through your facade.

"Are you sure about that Spencer? Cause from where I'm sitting it looks like you didn't care about her at all! You knew damn well she was yours I said directly to your face she was! And you want to say you'd be a better parent than me well I think you should take a look at who was there for her her whole life. Yeah, I might have been in prison but I raised her and I cared for her so you CANNOT judge me and my parenting!" Cat snipped back trying to dig even deeper and get you to crack but you weren't ready to crack yet.

"She turned out to be a serial killer Cat! So Yeah that means you have amazing parenting skills right!" you said sarcastically

"Well last I checked Spencie... she was killing for your attention, not mine and her victims were predominantly men, I mean I'm no profiler but that screams daddy issues to me," Cat said with an annoyed tone

"I-..." you didn't know what to say anymore... she was right, part of the profile was daddy issues and abandonment struggles

"Oh, how impressive I've rendered the famous Dr.Reid speechless. It's because I'm right! Tell me I'm right!" Cat said enthusiastically

"That was part of the profile, but do you want to hear another thing I profiled just before I walked into this room," you said as you stood up and walked to Cats side of the table

"We profiled that she originally did not want to kill anyone but she'll do anything to make you proud because you were the one that was there for her her whole life and she can't lose that bond. You knew this so you forced her to do the killings to get me here for you so you could hurt me by making me think this is my fault when in reality it's yours" you finished telling Cat your profile

"THAT'S NOT TRUE!! SHE'S DOING THIS BY HERSELF SHE WANTED YOU HERE NOT ME!!! She screamed as you walked out of the room to talk to Derek and JJ, Cat might have gotten to you but you got to her more and it's only a matter of time before she slips up...     

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