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Soft voices...

Soft voices... thats all I heard. I couldnt make out the words but I knew that there where voices. I listened to them for a few moments trying to decypher what they where saying but it was so use. I slowly opened my eyes and sat up. I rubbed my eyes to clear my vision before looking at who was here. I was in Jason's room. Jasons was standing before the bed talking to another man .. he seemed to be in his thirties, he had dirty blonde hair and brown eyes. I yawned and waved at them. Jason's eyes lit up and he walked over to me. He leaned down end gently kissed my forhead.

"I missed you.." he grumbled against my forehead. He straightened himself up and gestured to the man I didnt know.

"This here is the alpha's beta. I cant tell your his name because you just have to call them by that." He scratched his head slightly as I smiled at the beta. I waved softly,

"Hi" He just nodded at my words before speaking.

"The alpha would like to see you." with that he left the room. I frowned slightly afraid of the wrath of the alpha. I looked up at Jason. He gave me a reassuring smile before sitting down infront of me.

"You had me so worried.." his voice trailed off as he stared at his hands.

"I didnt know where you were.. and you put the barrier up so I couldnt talk to you.. The alpha was planning a rescue group to find you..Why did you do that?" He looked up at my with pleading us.

"Cause... if they had one kid for that use.. then..then they probably have more.." I looked down, guilt washing over me.

He nodded quickly before putting is hand out. I gladly took it and intertwined our fingers. He pulled me up and out of the room. I limped slightly cause of the wound on my leg. I glanced down at it and saw that it was wrapped up. How long was I sleeping for...

"How long was I out for?" I looked up at him as we walking down the hallway.

"Just two days. They gave you some medicine to keep you out when you got back so they could tend to your wounds." he explained. We now stood outside the alpha's office. Jason squeezed my hand before walking in with me in tow.

The alpha stood there waiting for us. His arms crossed over his chest. The beta was nearby at a desk working on something.

"Hello Dustin.." The alpha spoke

"Alpha." I replied.

"You have alot of explaining to do. So go ahead and explain why you went and what happened there." His voice was strong and the feeling of the alpha's command had me speaking immediatly.

"Well.. I met Tim and he was at that pack before they kicked him out or whatever they did.. and I thought if they had one bait dog..they have to have more and I couldnt let those poor kids to endure that kind of pain. They just dont deserve it! So.. I found a book about the pack and found out how to get there.. so I shifted and ran off.. before I got there I made myself dirty and I pretended to be very submissive wolf. The two guards.. um  Xavior and Matthew.. took me to see the alpha there.. he then had me go in a room with the other boys and there where so many! They where stuck in a small room with just two beds! My wolf told me how to get through the ground but before I could.." I paused at the memory that flooded my head. I shook my head slightly before speaking again

"Then I had to be used as the bait dog...they threw me in a pit in a crowded room and the two fighters played around with me to wound up.." Jason stiffened next to me." The got the back of my neck and my leg.." I gestured to both" but my wolf didnt like it so he broke the barrier.. we killed the one wolf." The alphas eyes widen but as quickly as it happened it was gone. Jason relaxed next to me at the words." They threw me back in the room and thats when we made the escape.." I let my voice trail off.

The alpha didnt say anything for a few minutes. I got worried..I'm probably in big trouble.. Great another punishment..

"Jason call a meeting in the pack room. I will be there momentarily. And Dustin shift, your furs state from being at the other pack wouldnt have changed since you havent washed it." Jason kissed my cheek before walking out, I felt scared now that he wasnt here.. I needed him here.. I wearily shifted to my wolf and the alpha walked forward. Surveying my corse white fur.

"Come with me" He said gently and I followed him out of the room and to the pack room. Wolves and people where still filling in as we entered. He walked up the steps but I stayed down. He glanced at me and gestured for me to come up. I glanced up and slowly walked up the steps. I sat down next to the alpha. Everyone was in the room I saw the boys from the pack, they where wearing clean clothes and there hair wasnt muddy and messy. I smiled at the sight of them, glad they where doing ok. Many people where talking and laughing, wolves were barking and smiling. It was so beautiful. Everyone was so happy. They all seemed to enjoy being here.. and I think I am too.

The alpha rose his hand and the noise grew silent. He glanced around the room before speaking.

"You all know about the disappearing of Dustin. Well he is back now and he was brought twelve new pack members!" The alphas voice wasnt serious or strong it was friendly and happy. People cheered and where smiling at the news.

"Dustin here- he gestured to me- went out on a mission to save those wolves. I should be mad since he didnt tell me, but I am to happy to be mad. He actually killed one of the wolves there!" gasps broke out and I looked around the room, people and wolves had wide eyes.

"Quiet..Quiet.." the noise died down again " I have more good news. Because of the twelve new wolves we have run out of room, so..." His smile grew "We will be moving! To a house to be exact." Loud cheers broke out. Wolves were jumping around happily and people where clapping.

"We will be moving tomorrow. Please pack up somethings, I have bought many cars and a very nice house for us to live in.. With that new out you are all dismissed. Please meet at the cave entrance at noon tomorrow. Thank you"

Everyone slowly walked out of the room. I looked around for Jason, I spotted him and jumped off the stage knocking him over. I licked his face before sitting down on him. He laughed at me before running his fingers through my fur. He frowned slightly.

"Go wash up, I'll take care of getting our things ready for tomorrow" I barked happily before bounding out of the room and to the springs. Finally Ill have clean fur! Yay!! And I'm moving tomorrow.. this pack isnt bad after all.


Goodness! I've uploaded alot of chapters! Yay!!

The picture is of some of the boys who where rescued :)

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