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Me and the winter soldier are walking threw the debreeee of the dust fart that wiped out the sity and he is still in his telutoby halloween costume 😩

Y/n: I wonder were we should go now white man soldier?

Warmer soldier: idk I guess we can go to Wakanda

Y/n: wha is wakakaaka?

Winter biker: basically a bunch of women's with cool spears!

Y/n: are they hawt?

Winter man: yes, but you wouldn't leave me right?

Y/n: idk probably not you make me shart a lot so that is good, you also dress up and I bet they don't so you better🥵

Sumer soldier: ok

Me and the seggy teletubby find Ms. Frizzle and get on the bussin buss to go to the wakantata with naked women

I see ms. Frizzles salamander lizard thing and I want to fuck it but I can't cheat on hubby soldier.

Then I realize drildo survived and was on the madjic butt as well, then drildo screws the salamander in two

Ms. Frizzle: OH NO MY AXOLOTL!

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