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Trigger walks past Jacob and over to me. "Is everything alright?! How are you?!" he rushes out of his mouth. I smile and nod, giving him the thumbs up, indicating I'm okay. "I was so scared for you! I'm so sorry about everyone, Maeve. I wish I could've got there sooner, but all that matters now is that you're okay! It gets better... I promise."

I rub his shoulder and give him a comforting smile.

"Oh my God." Walker walks in backwards. "So many fucking kids."

"Speaking of kids... I heard there's a party tonight." Trigger taps on Walkers back.

He turns to him. "A party eh?"

"Yeah, some kids in my older brothers class were talking about a huge party going on tonight and I wanna go. You guys game? Caden and Gray could come too." Trigger explains.

"Hell yeah! I'm game!" Walker turns to me. "You?"

"Yeah, sure. Sounds fun." I sign.


"She said she'll come." Walker laughs. "Oh! Caden! Gray!" he stops the boys as they walk by. "You guys wanna go to a party tonight?"

Caden groans. "I'd love to, but you know my cousins are coming in tonight and staying at my place."

"Yeah and unfortunately my folks won't let me out of the house tonight because my sister is coming back from college." Gray rolls his eyes.

"Okay, guess it's just us." Walker shrugs.

"Hey coach!" all the boys walk in. "Maeve!" they all run and hug me.

My heart melts as I try to wrap my arm around all of them.

"I'm so happy you're back."

They all pull away. I smile and mouth, "thank you."

"Alright kiddos, it's Friday. Who's sparring tonight?" Walker begins his class.

I sit down and watch them all laugh and joke around.

Not Trigger though. He's more of the outsider and honestly, that's okay.

He's a sweet kid.

Mysterious, but sweet.

I love this boxing family. They're so close with each other and have so much fun just being goobers. They make working out look fun.

Watching Walker teach just makes me so happy. He's so dedicated and loves his students like they're his own.

Forty minutes in, Walker pairs people up with a sparring partner when a child starts crying, causing all eyes to go on Jacob and Trigger as they're next to each near the child.

They stop hitting the bags and act like they're in trouble.

"I didn't do it." they both put their arms up.

Walker pushes his eyebrows together and look at the child. "Hey buddy, why don't you go to your dad, yeah? I have a class going on. Hope you're good though." he puts both thumbs up.

Everyone laughs and the child runs off.

"Coach—" Jay catches Walkers attention. "Can Trigger and I spar?"

Walker raises an eyebrow. "Jay, you don't even listen in class or do what you're supposed to do. Homeboy, you haven't even sparred yet. You're the kid I have to get onto all the time because you're not doing anything. Trigger is more experienced than you and he's only been here a month while you've been here a year. Don't try to show your ass."

Everyone shares an "oooo".

Well damn. Didn't know Walker had a kid he didn't favor.

The class goes on and Walker spars with Trigger at the end as everyone leaves to go home.

"Gonna head out. Have fun at the party." Gray pats my shoulder.

"Call us if you need anything." Caden ruffles my head.

I smile and nod.

"Bye!" they wave to Walker before leaving.

The bell goes off, indicating Walker and Trigger's round is over.

They hop out of the ring and cool down.

"I better head out." Trigger puts his gloves in his duffel bag. "Before my mom gets pissed for waiting."

I walk over and tap on Trigger's shoulder, getting his attention so I can give him a thumbs up, motioning he did good.

Walker rubs my back. "I'm with her. You did great."

"Thanks guys!" he smiles, throwing his bag over his shoulder. "I'll see you tonight?"

"Yeah you will!" Walker pats his back. "See ya!"

"Deuces!" He waves and walks out.

Walker turns to me and smiles. "Hey beautiful."

"Hi." I say softly.


"Never mind. Guess it's not my time to leave. Nobody's here to get me." Trigger walks right back in. "And my mom isn't answering her phone after she said she didn't even leave yet."

Walker looks at him and sighs. "We can take you home if you want."

"Really? That would be great if you don't mind." he says in embarrassment.

"Of course I don't mind. C'mon." Walker motions for us to follow him.

We trail behind him and exit the door, walking towards Walker's Toyota Tacoma.

"I'm so glad you guys are official now. I always shipped y'all." Trigger gets into the backseat.

I laugh.

"I've always had my eye on sweet Mae!" Walker kisses my cheek, causing me to blush.

We start driving and the boys are just talking about random shit.

"Maeve, when you ever find your voice again, I wanna hear about all the good things in your life!" Trigger says, causing me to instantly feel bad.

I sit there in my own guilt.

"Your mom's not even home." Walker pulls into the driveway.

"Probably out with dad and forgot about me." Trigger gets out of the car. "Thank you for dropping me off, I really really appreciate it."

"Of course, buddy. Let me know if you need anything."

"Will do. Thanks!"

I turn to Walker as he backs out of the driveway.

"What's up?" he smiles, kissing my cheek before hitting the road.

"What's wrong with me?" I frown.

He looks at me and back at the road with a look of betrayal. "What? What do you mean? Absolutely nothing is wrong with you, baby. You're gorgeous, have a heart of gold, a beautiful smile—"

"The people I love, I can't speak to. Only you and my parents."

"You're still learning trust, lovely."

"But I trust Caden! I trust Gray! I trust Trigger... he literally got me out of that situation. I don't understand why I just can't speak up to talk to them." tears dwell in my eyes.

"You are incredible. You may trust them, but it still might take a minute to just calm them down to talk to them. They haven't really engaged with you on that level." he reassures.

"I guess that's true." I look down.

He puts his hand on my back with his free hand. "You're moving at the right pace. Don't feel like you need to do something as quickly as possible. We're all right here for you and never left. You're one of the walking miracles. Sign language or voice, you're you. Nothing will change."

I hold his arm and just cry.

Letting it all out.

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