When She Walked Through the Door

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"Daddy?" Reginald asks from where he's snuggled in his bed.
   "Ya?" Nick looks up from the new Pepperwood book he's reading out loud.
   "How did you and mommy fall in love?" Reggie's eyes are wide and curious. Nick turns to Jess, who's braiding Frances' hair. She just grins and gives him a "go ahead" gesture.
   "Well, to put it simply, I fell in love with your mom the moment she walked through the door."

   "Knock, knock!" Someone raps loudly at the door of Apartment 4D, and Nick grumbles and gets up off the couch. He slowly walks over, and pulls open the door. He's met with a beaming smile framed by curly brown hair. He stands there, slightly stunned, and the girl grins at him.
   "Hi!! I'm Jess, Jessica Day, I responded to your notice on craigslist?" She fiddles with her bright red dress, glancing at the floor and then back up at Nick.
    "Uh, oh ya. Come on in," Nick steps aside, slightly startled by her bright clothes and the sunny energy radiating from her. As he heads back, he tries to concentrate on breathing instead of his rapidly beating heart. Pull it together, Miller! She's just a weird random girl who dresses like some sort of kindergarten teacher and wants to move into your home, no big deal.
   He slouches back down on the couch next to Schmidt, and eyes the girl. Jess, she said her name was. He takes in her bangs and the piercing blue eyes below them, and the way her mouth twitches when she gets nervous. Wait, what? How does he know that, he only known met her a few minutes ago. But somehow, as she talks about the events in her life leading up to this moment, Nick feels as if he's known her all his life.
   "That's why I need a new apartment," Jess finishes. "I'm sorry, what was the question again?" She scrunches her nose, and Nick stares dumbfounded at her.
   "Do you have any pets?" He asks, desperately hoping his voice doesn't crack.

   "Woahh," Reggie looks between Nick and Jess.
   "Actually, now that I think about it..." Nick adds, remembering. "I actually fell in love with Jess when I first saw her from far away. I was standing in her empty room, and I was looking out the window. She was trying to get into the building, it was pretty hilarious. She didn't have her glasses on, and she was bumping into stuff," He elaborates with a laugh.

   Nick pushes open the door and ventures into the empty room. He takes in the wide window, open closet, and teal wall next to the brick. It looks so spacious and abandoned, he's not sure if he's ready for everything to change. I mean, not that much has to change, right? They could get a normal roommate, someone who fits right in and doesn't affect much. But somehow Nick knows that whoever moves in is going to change something big. He just doesn't know what.
   "Ouch!" Nick hears someone shout, and he's snapped out of his thoughts.
   "Come on!" The voice exclaims again, and Nick goes over to the window. He looks down, and sees a girl crouching on the ground, searching for something.
   "Ugh, where are they?" The girl tries to stand up, but bumps into the door and falls back down. Nick winces, but can't help but chuckle to himself. He watches as the girl continues to look around, but then realizes what he's doing, and calls down to her.
   "Your glasses are to the left!" He yells, and the girl's head jerks up. She squints up at him, and then scrambles to her left.
   "No, my left!" Nick clarifies, and she changes direction. "Ok now like a few steps forward." Nick continues to guide her, and she treads carefully until she finally finds them.
   "Thank you!" She exclaims up to Nick, and he smiles. She heads into the building, and he turns away from the window. The smile is still evident on Nick's face, and he shakes his head slightly in amusement. Then he goes into the living room and sits down on the couch, wondering what the new roommate will be like. 

  "So you saw mommy lose her glasses, and then she actually was the new roommate?" Reggie clarifies.
   "Yep," Nick chuckles, and Jess laughs too.
   "But how did you know that you liked her? I mean like like, not just like." Reggie specifies, his little kid curiosity driving him. 
   "Well, I always felt different around Jess, but I do remember a specific time I realized she was the one for me..."

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