Anniversary Gift

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Nick and Schmidt walk down the street, the morning sun bathing everything in a soft hue. Nick is in a signature flannel and Schmidt is wearing a cardigan, or as he would say, a "cardi".
   "Brunch? Really, Schmidt?" Nick asks skeptically as they walk side by side.
   "Brunch always has exquisite options, and you know I love parfaits." Schmidt explains.
   "Cut it out, Schmidt!" Nick exclaims and jerks his hand away.
   "What?" Schmidt stares quizzically at him.
   "You just tried to hold my hand!" Nick glares at Schmidt in shock.
   "No I didn't," Schmidt insists.
   "I felt you grab my hand, man," Nick rolls his eyes at his best friend.
   Once they get to the cafe, they find a table and chat while waiting for their food.
   "It's very sweet you guys don't have to hide who you are," they hear, and turn to see an old man with a gray beard smiling at them.
    Nick stares at the man, and then realizes what he's saying. "What?! No!" He yells, and shows his wedding ring.
   "Wow! That's great, you two are adorable together." The man grins and gives two enthusiastic thumbs up.
   "Thank you," Schmidt smiles back at him.
   Nick tries to speak, but the man continues, "Do you live in the neighborhood? I've always wanted a sweet gay couple near me, they're always so nice, you know?"
   "No!" Nick yells.
   "Oh, where are you then?" The man tilts his head curiously.
   "We're nowhere!" Nick tries not to scowl because it's clear the old man means well.
   "Huh, what does that mean?"
   "We aren't married to each other! I have a wife, and so does he!" Nick explains slightly haughtily.
   "Oh, of course. I get it's hard to be so open, especially to strangers. But if you ever want to double date with me and my wife, that would be simply lovely," the man winks and walks away.
   "Well, he sure was nice!" Schmidt exclaims, grinning. Nick groans, and puts his heads in his hands.
   "This one looks pretty good, if I say so myself." Jess sets down the wire clippers and shows Frances her bracelet.
   "Wow!" Frances squeals and claps her hands, admiring the intertwined coils. "Did you make that nwecklace twoo?"
   "Which one?" Jess asks, and looks down at her collarbone. "Ohhh, no, actually your dad got this for me for our one year anniversary, when we were first dating. Actually, I think it was the one year anniversary of us... officially becoming more than friends," Jess explains, smiling at the J.D. + N.M. initials carved into the gold heart.
   "I can't believe you, Jess!" Nick throws his hands up in exasperation.
   "You know it's true! You just don't want to hear it," Jess tilts her chin upwards with steady fierceness.
   "No, you're wrong! I'm fine with hearing it, but it's not true!" Nick glares at her, disbelief still present in his eyes.
   "When will you start seeing things from a grown up perspective?! You have to take a little responsibility, Nick!" Jess exclaims, her voice getting louder as she takes another step closer.
   "I am taking responsibility, you just want everything to only be your way!" Nick shoots back.
   "Ugh! I just can't deal with you sometimes!" Jess huffs. They stand there, their faces only a few inches apart. Nostrils flaring, breathing heavily, staring daggers into each other's eyes.
   "Then why are you with me," Nick almost whispers, and Jess' eyes go wide. Time stops for a moment, and Nick, fuming, tries to catch a breath. He's about to backtrack and say he didn't mean it, but the words get stuck in his throat. But the worst part is Jess' face. Fury, he can deal with, he's used to, but this is something entirely more scary. Jess stares at him, the passive, blank expression still not breaking. But then she releases and soft breath, and Nick waits for the inevitable words to come like a slap.
   Jess feels her jaw begin to quiver, and she clenches her teeth. Then she rips off the necklace she had been wearing for a little over a year now, and gently places it in Nick's hand with quiet resolve. Jess quickly turns away before Nick can see the tears springing up in her eyes.
   Nick stands there, stunned, as Jess rushes into her room and shuts the door.
   He pulls his eyes away from the closes door, feeling like he's in some sort of trance. Nick opens his clenched fist and stares at the necklace. The gold heart seems to taunt him, and he's tempted to just shove it in his pocket. But he can't help but run his fingers softly over the engraved initials, J.D. + N.M. He sighs, slaps both his cheeks, and heads into his own room, trying to ignore the empty feeling in the pit of his stomach.
   As soon as Jess shuts the door, her facade crumbles and reveals the raw underneath. The worst part wasn't that what Nick said hurt her, it was... she had thought the same thing before. Jess knows she loves him with all her heart, but... how do you know if the love is worth the pain? Things used to be easier, when she could pretend he didn't mean the world to her. But now when everything is on the table, she's worried the table might collapse.
   When Jess steps out of her room, she looks across the hall and sees that Nick's door is still closed. She sighs, but then her foot nudges something on the ground, and she looks down. On the floor is a small, worn leather notebook. Jess bends down, and sees "Property of Nick- Keep Out" scrawled with sharpie on the cover, and below that is a post-it saying, "For Jess -Nick". She looks up at Nick's closed door once more, and then picks up the notebook. After briefly flipping through the pages filled with Nick's writing, she notices an orange tab marking a page a little more than halfway though the notebook. Jess opens to that page, and sees today's date at the top, followed by, "Pepperwood Notes". Wasn't "Pepperwood" Nick's alias when he was trying to investigate one of her adult students? Jess remembers Nick writing about him, along with his "gal friday, Jessica Knight". Below the date and title is a single sentence, the ink still slightly wet. Jess blows on it so it doesn't smudge, and reads softly to herself, "Without the pain, the love doesn't shine as bright." She smiles, and takes a few steps to Nick's door. She hesitates, but then takes a deep breath and  knocks quietly. The door opens, and Jess takes in the sight of Nick standing in the doorway, with his hair messed and his shirtsleeves rolled up to his elbows.
   Nick gazes at Jess, his eyes heavy with emotions Jess can't quite recognize. "Hey Day," he says softly, his voice a little scratchy.
   "Hey Miller." Jess gives a small smile, and Nick lets her into his room.

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