Chapter 2

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Sebastian tried to concentrate, Danny was giving him the best blowjob a man could get and he couldn’t get it up.

His mind couldn’t stop projecting images of his cute face, his brown doe eyes and the raise of his eyebrow when he was amused.

His kissable lips, Sebastian groans as he pushes Danny off his shaft.

‘’What’s the matter with you today?’’ Danny spats at Sebastian as he wipes his mouth.

Sebastian stares at Danny, it wasn’t fair for Danny to put up with his fucked up feelings.

It wasn’t fair to string him along, but Sebastian wasn’t ready to admit aloud what was so clear in his head.

‘’Nothing love, I’m just hungry come on let’s go or we’ll be late for our reservations.’’ Sebastian mumbles as he went to grab his car keys.

Danny didn’t seem convinced but let it go, he knew something was up with Sebastian but he didn’t want to push, he figured his boyfriend would eventually talk to him if something was bothering him.


‘’Welcome to Sarah Bella’s, do you have a reservation?’’ The waiter questions as Sebastian and Danny nods with small smiles.

‘’It’s under Wright.’’ Sebastian replies.

As they follow the waiter, Sebastian looks around the restaurant and stiffens as Danny wraps his arm around his.

‘’Here you are, I’ll send someone to get your drink orders, please enjoy.’’ They both stare as the waiter walks away. Since when was ever awkward to be around each other? Sebastian thought.

After studying Danny a bit, Sebastian wonders since when did Danny annoy him.

The way he bit on his bottom lip, the way he rolled his eyes at something he didn’t like.

The disapproving looks on his face when he sees kids.

Danny was staring over Sebastian’s head with disgust in his eyes.

Sebastian frowned and turned around to see what was so disgusting to his boyfriend, and freezes as he spots Aidan and his son.

Eating, talking and smiling.

‘’That’s disgusting, he could be his father.’’ Danny says and Sebastian’s eyes linger a bit longer on Aidan. He looked so damn sexy in his suit, Sebastian thinks as he turns to Danny to explain.

‘’That is his son. He’s my new boss at school.’’ Sebastian points out.

“Oops.” Danny says as he giggles loudly, causing a few heads to turn their way.

Sebastian tenses as he sees Brody getting up from his seat and walking his way.

‘’Hey coach, how are you?’’ He turns to Brody standing by his side with a huge smile.

‘’I’m good, how are you Brody?’’ Sebastian replies as he smiles at the boy.

‘’Oh, I’m good. Dad and I decided we were too lazy to cook so we came out for dinner. Anyways, enjoy your dinner sir. I just wanted to say hi.’’ Brody smiled at the look of disgust on the other guys face.

Yeah he didn’t seem to like kids.

‘’Yeah, you too. See you Monday, Brody.” Sebastian waves at Brody and turns his attention at Danny.

‘’Ugh, kids are such a pain in the ass. Couldn’t he see we were on a date?’’ Danny seethes as he stares at Brody’s retreating body.

Sebastian shrugs and turns to look at Brody but finds himself looking at Aidan.

Pain, Love And Hate (MalexMale) TeacherxTeacherWhere stories live. Discover now