Chapter 8

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Aidan took his cell phone out as it chimed; alerting him, he had a new text.

He and Sebastian were standing next to each other as they watch the teenagers dance, if you call grinding on each other dancing.

However, they couldn’t complain since they did the same back when they were in high school.

The text was from his son, ‘Staying the night at some friends’. Aidan looks around and spots his son with a couple of friends.

He leans in and whispers in Sebastian’s ear making the other shiver.

‘’I’ll be back, I have to go and grill Brody for information’’. Sebastian chuckles and just nods to let him know he heard and understood him.

Aidan walks up to the teen, Brody turns and meets him half way.

‘’What’s up dad?’’ He questions his dad.

‘’Whose house, are they going to be parental units there and can I have their number to call, just for a peace of mind’’. He wasn’t kidding when he said ‘grill’ his son for information.

‘’Matt come over here’’. Brody call one of his friends, who was looking nervous but came over to where Aidan and Brody were.

‘’Give dad your home number, so he can talk to your parents’’. The boy nods and takes out his cell; Aidan copies the home number and nods giving his son a hug.

They were never ashamed of their father/son relationship, kiss and hug in public.

Aidan made it back to Sebastian after calling the parents where his son was going to spend the night, after he made sure it was fine he had a thought.

‘’Seb, would you like to come over to my place after this, Brody is out for the night’’. He was scared of rejection, what if Sebastian said no, what if he had second thoughts and wanted nothing to do with him.

‘’I would love to, in fact the dance is almost over and the other teachers said they would clean up so we can get out of here’’. Aidan let the air he wasn’t aware he was holding in.


Sebastian walked behind Aidan, he wasn’t ashamed about checking the others man ass.

He wonder is Aidan as tight as he used to be, does Aidan still moans and begs for more.

Well he was about to find out.

They barely made it inside when Sebastian reach and grab Aidan’s as$ and squeezed it hard making Aidan moan as he pushed into his hand for more.

With the door close, Sebastian lifted Aidan up in his arms making Aidan gasp in surprised when he looked into Sebastian’s eyes he could see the want there, the need and that made Aidan’s shaft harder than it already was.

Pain, Love And Hate (MalexMale) TeacherxTeacherWhere stories live. Discover now